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1-A child with Hearing Impairment in the Classroom.pdf
10-Can Hearing Loss be Sudden.pdf
11-Caring for your Hearing Aid Do’s and Don’ts.pdf
12-Checklist to be Filled Out by Parents-Guardians.pdf
13-Considering Cochlear Implants.pdf
14-Correcting Simple Problems of Body Level Hearing Aids.pdf
15-Correcting Simple Problems of BTE Hearing Aids-Audiology.pdf
16-Ear and Earning Loss.pdf
17-Fact about Hearing Loss and Hearing Aids.pdf
18-Family and Community.pdf
19-For the Hearing Aid Users.pdf
2-A Guide for Hearing Aid Users.pdf
20-For the Person Using a Hearing Aid.pdf
21-Getting to Know Your Digital Hearing Aid.pdf
22-Handout on Stroke and Aphasia.pdf
23-Hearing Aid Care.pdf
24-Hearing Impairment.pdf
25-Introduction to Disabilities and Handicaps.pdf
26-Introduction to Learning Disabilities.pdf
27-Mental Retardation.pdf
28-Pamphlets on Professional Voice Care.pdf
29-Parent and Child.pdf
30-Prevention of Hearing Impairment.pdf
31-Protect Your Ear from Noise.pdf
34-Some tips for Families with Persons using Hearing Aids.pdf
35-Structure of the Ear.pdf
36-Things you Always Wanted to Know about Learning Disability.pdf
37-Tinnitus Ringing in the Ears.pdf
38-Tips for the Better Communication.pdf
39-Tips for the Better Use of Earmolds.pdf
4-Adjusting to Amplification.pdf
40-Toy Kits for Kids with Developmental Disabilities-Manual.pdf
41-Toy-Kit Evaluation Scale (TK-ES).pdf
42-Train Your Child-Level-1.pdf
43-Train Your Child-Level-2.pdf
44-Train Your Child-Level-3.pdf
45-Train Your Child-Level-4.pdf
47-Trouble Shooting a Hearing Aid.pdf
48-Trouble Shooting of Earmolds.pdf
49-Types of Earmolds.pdf
5-An Introductory handbook for parents on Autism Spectrum Disorders.pdf
50-Use and Care of Behind the Ear Hearing Aids.pdf
6-An Overview to Auditory Training.pdf
7-Assistive Listening Devices.pdf
8-Beware of Noise.pdf
9-Body Level Hearing Aid Care.pdf