Page 5 - Dementia
P. 5

A unit called Clinic for Adult and Elderly person with
       Language  Disorder  (CAEPLD),  works  efciently  in
       assessing and rehabilitating elderly individuals with
       communication  disorders.  Dementia  being  a
       progressive  disorder  commonly  seen  in  elderly
       population is thoroughly differentially diagnosed from
       other disorders and rehabilitated along with provision
       of home training activities.

      DOs of Dementia Care

          Ÿ  Talk in short and  simple sentences to them

          Ÿ  Use appropriate facial expressions and body
             language while communicating
          Ÿ  Calmly wait for a response, give time for them
             to think.
          Ÿ  Offer food, drinks, or activities according to the

             person's liking.

      DON'Ts of Dementia Care

          Ÿ  If the person with dementia is hard of hearing,
             do lower your tone of voice and speak clearly.
             Our voice tone tends to get higher when we talk
             louder, which makes it harder for a person with
             Dementia to understand or they may think you
             are yelling at them.

          Ÿ  Don't stand over the individual in dominance.
             Instead, talk at eye level.
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