Page 2 - Dementia
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Know more about dementia
Dementia refers to severe loss in cognitive functioning
beyond what might be expected of normal aging. That
is, they will have problem in thinking and reasoning.
Dementia occurs when parts of the brain responsible
for memory, learning, decision making and language
are damaged.
Dementia can be reversible (can be treated and
improved) or irreversible (condition cannot be
improved) depending on the cause. Dementia caused
by substance abuse (intake of drugs and poisonous
substances, etc) and depression for instance, can be
treated effectively. However other forms of dementia
such as that seen in Alzheimer's disease are usually
progressive and irreversible.
Common signs and symptoms of
Ÿ Recent memory loss.
Ÿ Difculty in performing familiar tasks.
Ÿ Misplacing things.
Ÿ Disorientation of time and place.
Ÿ Poor or decreased judgmental abilities.
Ÿ Problems with abstract thinking.
Ÿ Problems with language.
Ÿ Changes in personality.
Ÿ Loss of initiative in carrying out daily activities
Ÿ Frequent changes in mood or behavior.