Page 4 - Dementia
P. 4

Treatment for Dementia
          Ÿ  Both  pharmacological  and  non-pharmacolog
             ical treatments are important.

          Ÿ  More often behavioral interventions are used

             to help the person recall important information
             or perform daily activities.
          Ÿ  A  Speech-Language  Pathologist  (SLP)  can
             help a person with dementia provide therapy to
             prevent the progression as well as help in using
             strategies  to  preserve  communication  and
             cognitive functioning for as long as possible.

       Facilities available at All India Institute
       of Speech and Hearing (AIISH) for

       persons with dementia
       All India Institute of Speech and Hearing has state of
       the  art  equipment  and  technology  for  treating
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