- /question papers/LIBRARY RTI Suo Motu Disclosure HDD Storage/ShijithLapTopFdrive/Official/AnnualReports/ANNUAL REPORT 2020-21/ANNUAL REPORT - CORRECTIONS-27-07-21/FinalFilesWithComments-30-07-21/
[To Parent Directory]
0 Coverpage design 20_21 (1).pdf
0 Preliminary Pages 2021final.pdf
1 News June 2021_v2.pdf
10 Other Activities and Events July 2021_v2.pdf
2 Learning and Teaching June 2021.pdf
3 Research June 2021_v2 - modified copy from prasad.pdf
4 Clinical Care July 2021_v2.pdf
5 Outreach Services July 2021_v2 (1).pdf
6 Public Education July 2021_v2 (1).pdf
7 Extracurricular Activities July 2021_v2.pdf
8 Official Language Implementation July 2021_v2.pdf
9 Awards and Honours July 2021_v2.pdf
files to be sent to Shivaprasad