Page 5 - Autism
P. 5

Ÿ  Clinical Psychologist:
          They  mainly  work  on  behavioral  modications
          such  as  reducing  self  injurious  behavior  like
          banging head, self biting behavior. And they help
          children's  with  autism  to  improve  social
          adjustments  and  also  help  in  improving  daily

       Ÿ  Special Educator: To provide academic support.


         Ÿ   Undergo immunization against infections like
             rubella during pregnancy.
         Ÿ   Follow proper diet for the child using nutritional

             supplements rich in vitamins and minerals.
         Ÿ   Encourage  the  unusual  talents  present  in

             autistic children.
         Ÿ   Avoid marriage among blood relatives.

         Ÿ   Strict scheduling of the day at home.

         Ÿ   Give adequate speech stimulation to the child.
         Ÿ   Spend more time with your child and involve
             them in your day to day activities.
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