
A Systematic Review on the Imaging Findings in Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder

Show simple item record Supriya Mathew 2022-11-30T05:23:39Z 2022-11-30T05:23:39Z 2022
dc.description.abstract The present systematic review examines imaging findings in the Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder population (ANSD). For the systematic review, a literature search was done using electronic databases (e.g., Pub Med, Google Scholar, J Gate, Science direct) over the past twenty years. The retrieved articles were assessed in two stages: title and abstract screening, followed by a full-length article review. 19 articles were selected after the full-length review of 379 shortlisted articles. Among the selected studies, one was a cross-sectional study design, one case-control study, four case series, and the remaining were prospective cohort and retrospective cohort studies, respectively. Imaging in the selected studies was done using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computerized tomography (CT). Most studies reported cochlear nerve deficiency (CND) as the most common abnormality in imaging findings. Also, MRI was the imaging modality of choice recommended in most studies. It was also noted that CND was a characteristic feature of unilateral ANSD. From this systematic review, it is clear that integrating imaging studies into diagnostic protocol would help to understand the underlying pathology better and expedite decision-making and intervention for ANSD patients. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher All India Institute of Speech and Hearing en_US
dc.subject Audiology en_US
dc.title A Systematic Review on the Imaging Findings in Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder en_US
dc.type PG Dissertations en_US MSc en_US
dc.dissno 1588 en_US
dc.grantor University of Mysore en_US Chandni Jain en_US
dc.npages 46 en_US Mysuru en_US
dc.terms ANSD, Imaging, Computerised tomography, Magnetic resonance imaging, Cochlear nerve deficiency en_US

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