
Analysis of Causes of Hearing Loss in Adult: A Register Based Study

Show simple item record Sahana, T.S 2022-09-06T06:59:06Z 2022-09-06T06:59:06Z 2021
dc.description.abstract A reduction in the ability to perceive sounds is referred to as hearing loss. It could be partial or complete, abrupt or slow, temporary or permanent. Hearing loss affects a large percentage of the population in one or both ears. It could be caused by diseases of the middle or inner ear, it could be congenital, age-related, or it could be caused by noise exposure or other aetiologies. Hearing loss can have a severe influence on a person's quality of life if it is left untreated. Thus, a retrospective study was undertaken on the prevalence and possible causes of hearing loss in adults aged 18 to 45 years. Between January and December 2019, a total of 13780 cases were evaluated by an audiologist. 3086 individuals between the ages of 18 and 45 were reviewed, with 2386 of them being diagnosed with hearing loss. As a result, 29.93 % of adult cases with hearing loss were documented over this time period. The results also found that males had a higher rate of hearing loss than females, and that more individuals had bilateral hearing loss. Sensorineural hearing loss, as well as profound and mild degrees of hearing loss, were more common in these individuals. The audiological test findings and detailed case history were used to identify possible causes for hearing loss, with Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media (CSOM), Tinnitus, and Hypertension being the most common aetiologies discovered in this study. Hearing aid trial (HAT) was suggested for the majority of the population when compared to other management options. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher All India Institute of Speech and Hearing en_US
dc.subject Audiology en_US
dc.title Analysis of Causes of Hearing Loss in Adult: A Register Based Study en_US
dc.type PG Dissertations en_US MSc en_US
dc.dissno 1505 en_US
dc.grantor University of Mysore en_US Rajalakshmi, K en_US
dc.npages 42 en_US Mysuru en_US
dc.terms Hearing loss, Adult en_US

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