
Effect of voice therapy in sulcus vocalis: A single case study

Show simple item record Raja Sudhakar, R 2022-01-31T11:02:05Z 2022-01-31T11:02:05Z 2016
dc.identifier.issn 2225-4765
dc.description.abstract Background: Sulcus vocalis is a structural deformity of the vocal ligament. It is the focal invagination of the epithelium deeply attaching to the vocal ligament. There is a dearth of literature on the outcome of voice therapy in sulcus vocalis condition. Objective: The primary objective of this study was to document voice characteristics of sulcus vocalis and the secondary objective was to establish the efficacy of voice therapy in a patient with sulcus vocalis. Method: A trial of voice therapy was given to the client who was diagnosed as having sulcus vocalis. Boon’s facilitation techniques were used in voice therapy along with other techniques such as breath holding and push and pull approach prior to surgery. Acoustic, aerodynamic, perceptual, quantitative measures of voice quality and self-rating measurements were performed before and after voice therapy. Results: Improvement was noticed in 10/10 acoustic, 4/4 aerodynamic, perceptual, dysphonia severity index and voice handicap index scores, which hinted that voice therapy can be an option critically for clients with sulcus vocalis in the initial stage.Conclusion: Voice therapy showed promising improvement in the study and it must be recommended as the initial treatment option before any surgical management.
dc.title Effect of voice therapy in sulcus vocalis: A single case study
dc.type Article
dc.issueno 1
dc.journalname South African Journal of Communication Disorders
dc.terms Efficacy; Fissure; Lamina propria; Sulcus vergeture; Voice rehabilitation
dc.volumeno 63

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