
Prevalence and Risk Factors of Voice Problems Among Primary School Teachers in India

Show simple item record Usha Devadas Rajashekhar Bellur Santosh Maruthy 2022-01-31T11:01:54Z 2022-01-31T11:01:54Z 2017
dc.identifier.issn 0892-1997
dc.description.abstract Objectives : Teachers are more prone to develop voice problems (VPs) when compared with other professional voice users. The aim of present study was to investigate the prevalence and risk factors of VPs among primary school teachers in India.Study design: Epidemiological cross-sectional survey. Methods: Self-reporting questionnaire data were collected from 1082 teachers. Results: Out of 1082 teachers who participated in the present study, 188 teachers reported VPs that account for a prevalence rate of 17.4%. Tired voice after long hours of talking was the most frequently reported symptom, followed by sore/dry throat, strain in voice, neck muscle tension, and difficulty in projecting voice. The adjusted odds ratio values showed number of years of teaching, high background noise levels in the classroom, experiencing psychological stress while teaching classes, improper breath management (holding breath while speaking), poor focus of the tone (clenching jaw/teeth while speaking), upper respiratory tract infection, thyroid problems, and acid reflux as significant risk factors for the development of VPs in the current cohort of teachers.Conclusions:Current results suggest that teachers develop VPs due to multiple risk factors. These factors may be either biological, psychomotor, or environment-related factors. A holistic approach (which could include educating teachers about voice care during their training, and if they develop VP during their career, then managing the VP by taking into consideration different risk factors) addressing all these factors needs to be adopted to prevent VPs in primary school teachers.
dc.title Prevalence and Risk Factors of Voice Problems Among Primary School Teachers in India
dc.type Article
dc.issueno 1
dc.journalname Journal of voice
dc.terms primary school teachers, voice problems,prevalence, phonotrauma,risk factors
dc.volumeno 31

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