
Immediate Effect of Alcohol on Voice Tremor Parameters and Speech Motor Control

Show simple item record Gayathri Krishnan Vipin Ghosh, P.G 2022-01-31T11:01:32Z 2022-01-31T11:01:32Z 2017
dc.description.abstract The complex neuro-muscular interplay of speech subsystems is susceptible to alcohol intoxication. Published reports have studied language formulation and fundamental frequency measures pre- and post-intoxication. This study aimed at tapping the speech motor control measure using rate, consistency and accuracy measures of diadochokinesis and sustained phonation task. The recorded data from 10 young males on these tasks prior and post 10 min-utes of intoxication with 0.08% alcohol (Widmarck’s formula) was studied. The results revealed significant differences in the rate of syllable repetition, syllable duration and cycle to cycle variations in fundamental frequency. The study suggests development of a new intoxication detector for successful and effective enforcement of law.
dc.title Immediate Effect of Alcohol on Voice Tremor Parameters and Speech Motor Control
dc.type Article
dc.issueno 2
dc.journalname Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education
dc.pageno 25-39
dc.volumeno 61

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