
Exploring Music Induced Auditory Processing Differences among Vocalists, Violinists and Non-Musicians.

Show simple item record Priyanka Vijaya Kumar Rajalakshmi Krishna 2022-01-31T11:01:25Z 2022-01-31T11:01:25Z 2019
dc.identifier.issn 2249-9571
dc.description.abstract Music is a highly complex sensory stimulus and is structured in several dimensions. This richness makes music an ideal tool to investigate the functioning of the human brain. This study aimed to understand the differences in auditory processing skills like auditory memory and speech perception in noise between vocalists, violinists and non-musicians. Fifteen participants from each of the group were subjected to two auditory memory tests (forward and backward digit span tests) and a speech in noise perception test (QuickSIN). On statistical analysis, overall results indicated that both in auditory memory and speech in noise perception abilities, musicians (both vocalists and violinists) outperform non-musicians. However, no significant difference was noticed between violinists and vocalists. The results of the study are in congruence with other literature report indicating musical experience as an important factor inducing enhancements in the overall auditory perceptual abilities. Further, the study results lead to the possible speculations that type of music (vocal vs instrumental) does not influence music induced differences in the auditory processing skills.
dc.title Exploring Music Induced Auditory Processing Differences among Vocalists, Violinists and Non-Musicians.
dc.type Article
dc.issueno 2
dc.journalname International Journal of Health Sciences and Research
dc.pageno 13-21
dc.terms Music, Auditory Memory, Speech in noise perception, Neuroplasticity, Auditory perception.
dc.volumeno 9

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