
Category Specific Semantic knowledge in Neuro-typical Participants and Persons with Cognitive Impairment

Show simple item record Abhishek, B.P 2022-01-31T11:01:23Z 2022-01-31T11:01:23Z 2018
dc.identifier.issn 2455-7315
dc.description.abstract The aim of the present study was to test category specific semantic knowledge in neuro-typical participants and persons diagnosed with cognitive impairment (mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and dementia). A total of 91 (80 neuro typical, 5 persons with dementia and 6 persons with MCI). Neuro-typical participants could perform better compared to persons with cognitive impairment. Participants with MCI performed better compared to persons with dementia. Semantic knowledge is assumed to be very essential for naming in animate things compared to animate. Neuro-typical participants and patients diagnosed with MCI could name more items under the inanimate category compared to animate category. While persons with dementia could perform well on animate compared to inanimate but the difference was minimal. Participants with dementia could not do well with cues suggesting that semantic knowledge would have been reduced in these them.
dc.title Category Specific Semantic knowledge in Neuro-typical Participants and Persons with Cognitive Impairment
dc.type Article
dc.issueno 1
dc.journalname International Journal of Animal Biotechnology and Applications
dc.pageno 17-20
dc.terms animate category, in-animate category, semantic knowledge
dc.volumeno 4

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