
Mobile Phone Phobia in Persons with Stuttering-Indian Scenario

Show simple item record Reuben Thomas Varghese Geetha Yelimeli 2022-01-31T10:04:41Z 2022-01-31T10:04:41Z 2013
dc.description.abstract India is placed second to China in the total number of mobile subscribers. Most of the research has been done on feeling and attitudes associated with telephone use in Persons with stuttering (PWS). However, no research among the frequency of mobile phone usage and feeling, attitudes and coping strategies towards mobile phone usage among PWS has been done in the Indian context.The present study investigated the frequency of mobile phone usage in terms of calls made as well as received and attitudes, anxiety and coping strategies in PWS, using a questionnaire developed for the purpose. Sixty PWS (Twenty in each severity) in the age range of 1540 years participated in the study. It was found that persons with severe stuttering faced more difficulty compared to the other severity groups. Treatment strategies should address these issues in dealing with PWS.
dc.title Mobile Phone Phobia in Persons with Stuttering-Indian Scenario
dc.type Article
dc.issueno 2
dc.journalname Asian Journal of Disability Matters
dc.pageno 75-83
dc.volumeno 7

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