
Inhibitory control process and lexical robustness in multi-linguals

Show simple item record Deepthi, M Nataraja, N.P 2022-01-31T10:04:25Z 2022-01-31T10:04:25Z 2014
dc.identifier.issn 2582-4961
dc.description.abstract When a picture is viewed by a monolingual speaker, the conceptual representation is rst set into motion followed by the associated lexical and phonological representations prior verbalization. This uncomplicated mechanism becomes more complicated for multilinguals. This complica- tion is partly resolved by inhibitory control mechanisms. The focus of the earlier studies on inhibitory control function was on bilinguals. Therefore, present study aimed at investigating the language switching performance and lexical robustness using verbal uency task in multilinguals. Twenty multilingual speakers of Kannada (L1), English (L2) and Hindi (L3) in the age range of 18 to 23 years participated in the study. Reaction time of language switching across the languages and verbal uency in all the three languages were calculated. The ndings suggested an interaction between inhibitory control abilities and language switching capabilities when particularly switching from a more procient language to less procient language
dc.publisher All India Institute of Speech and Hearing
dc.title Inhibitory control process and lexical robustness in multi-linguals
dc.type Article
dc.journalname Journal of All India Institute of Speech & Hearing
dc.pageno 99-105
dc.terms Lexical representation, Language Switching task, Lexical robustness
dc.volumeno 33

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