
Estimation of the mean of the exponential distribution using maximum ranked set sampling with unequal samples

Show simple item record Biradar, B.S Santhosha, C.D 2022-01-31T10:04:15Z 2022-01-31T10:04:15Z 2014
dc.identifier.issn 2161-7198
dc.description.abstract In this paper maximum ranked set sampling procedure with unequal samples (MRSSU) is proposed. Maximum likelihood estimator and modified maximum likelihood estimator are obtained and their properties are studied under exponential distribution. These methods are studied under both perfect and imperfect ranking (with errors in ranking). These estimators are then compared with estimators based on simple random sampling (SRS) and ranked set sampling (RSS) procedures. It is shown that relative efficiencies of the estimators based on MRSSU are better than those of the estimator based on SRS. Simulation results show that efficiency of proposed estimator is better than estimator based on RSS under ranking error.
dc.title Estimation of the mean of the exponential distribution using maximum ranked set sampling with unequal samples
dc.type Article
dc.issueno 8
dc.journalname Open Journal of Statistics
dc.pageno 641-649
dc.terms Efficiency and Error in Ranking and Maximum Likelihood Estimator and Modified Maximum Likelihood Estimator and Ranked Set Sampling
dc.volumeno 4

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