
Evaluating the efficacy of an orientation program using traditional and qualifier approaches

Show simple item record Manjula, P Raheela Qudsiya Sahana, P 2022-01-31T10:04:03Z 2022-01-31T10:04:03Z 2013
dc.identifier.issn 2582-4961
dc.description.abstract To evaluate the efficacy of orientation program on communication disorders, by administering a preand post- test on students of Masters in Social Work (MSW). Data were collected in two phases, with 26 in Phase I and 20 participants in Phase II. An orientation program on Prevention of Communication Disorders was given to the participants in two phases. The orientation lecture was delivered by a qualified Audiologist and a Speech Language Pathologist in both the phases. A pre- and post- test was given in both phases, consisting of 10 multiple choice questions with a qualifier question of ‘Are you guessing’; the answer was considered incorrect if the participant indicated that it was a guess. This gave information on whether the answer was a mere guess or was a result of the knowledge gained after orientation. Based on the post-test performance of Phase I, and before the initiation of Phase II, appropriate changes in the lecture were made to refine and increase the impact of the orientation program in Phase II. The pre- and post- test data of Phase II were analyzed using ‘Traditional approach’ which was scored for either correct or incorrect answer and ‘Qualifier approach’. In the qualifier approach, the number of participants scoring correct answer in the post-test was 63% and 83% when compared to their pre-test score of 19% and 23.5%, in Phase I and Phase II respectively. The program also focused on correcting knowledge of the participants and also provided the instructor the feedback on modifications in the content and technique of teaching required when a concept was not clearly understood. This study highlights the importance of evaluating the impact of the orientation program about the communication disorders, for effective dissemination of knowledge to other allied professionals.
dc.publisher All India Institute of Speech and Hearing
dc.title Evaluating the efficacy of an orientation program using traditional and qualifier approaches
dc.type Article
dc.journalname Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing
dc.pageno 122-131
dc.terms Pre test,Post test,Qualifier approach,Traditional approach,Orientation program
dc.volumeno 32

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