Subscribing to list ~p1



This mailing list requires a special password for subscriptions. If you do not have the necessary password to subscribe to this list, please contact the list administrator or server manager and ask for assistance.

Subscription password  



Your name  


Your e-mail address  


Choose a subscriber password  


... and type the password again  



  Subscription help:


  • Your name: type in your name just as you would normally write it - for example, John Smith, or Dr. J. S. Burrows. Do not use commas in this field.
  • Your e-mail address: type in your e-mail address here - for example, or
  • Your subscriber password: a subscriber password is used to prevent other people from tampering with your subscription: you will use it when you login to these web pages to change your details or subscription settings. Your password should be a short, hard-to-guess word or phrase, preferably containing a mixture of letters and numbers. You are required to enter your password twice to ensure that there are no typing errors.