Welcome to ~h

Mailing List Subscriber Services



 To subscribe to a list...

 Enter the name of the list here...


 ... then click the 'Proceed...' button.


 To manage an existing subscription to a mailing list...

 Enter the name of the list here...


 ... then enter your e-mail address here...


 ... and enter your list password here...


 ... then click the 'Subscription' button.


 Forgotten your password for a list?

 Enter the name of the list here...


 ... then enter your subscribed address here...


 ... then click the 'Mail password...' button.


 Your password will be e-mailed to your subscribed address when you click the button.

 Change your status for multiple lists

 Enter your subscribed address here...


 ... then select the status you desire


 ... then click the 'Set status...' button.


 A confirmation message will be sent to your subscribed address asking you to confirm this
 action - once you have clicked the link in that message, the action will be completed.