//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // splitex.h // Based upon code from Oleg G. Galkin // Modified to handle multiple hidden rows/columns #pragma once class CSplitterWndEx : public CSplitterWnd { protected: int *m_arr; // array the keeps track of actual row/columns versus perceived row/column int m_length; // length of above array int Id_short(int row, int col); public: void GetRowInfoEx( int row, int& cyCur, int& cyMin ); void GetColumnInfoEx( int row, int& cyCur, int& cyMin ); BOOL IsRowHidden(int row); BOOL IsColumnHidden(int row); CWnd* GetPane(int row,int col); CSplitterWndEx(); virtual ~CSplitterWndEx(); inline BOOL BarIsHorizontal() const { return m_nCols < m_nRows; } __int64 GetSizes() const; void ShowRow(int row); void ShowColumn(int row); int IdFromRowCol(int row, int col) const; void HideRow(int rowHide,int rowToResize=-1); void HideColumn(int rowHide,int rowToResize=-1); BOOL IsChildPane(CWnd* pWnd, int* pRow, int* pCol); CWnd *GetActivePane(int* pRow, int* pCol); // ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides //{{AFX_VIRTUAL(CSplitterWndEx) //}}AFX_VIRTUAL // Generated message map functions protected: //{{AFX_MSG(CSplitterWndEx) // NOTE - the ClassWizard will add and remove member functions here. //}}AFX_MSG DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP() };