//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // splitex.cpp // Based upon code from Oleg G. Galkin // Modified to handle multiple hidden rows #include "stdafx.h" #include "splitex.h" #if defined(_DEBUG) && !defined(MMGR) #define new DEBUG_NEW #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CSplitterWndEx CSplitterWndEx::CSplitterWndEx() { m_arr = 0; m_length = 0; } CSplitterWndEx::~CSplitterWndEx() { delete [] m_arr; } int CSplitterWndEx::Id_short(int row, int col) { return AFX_IDW_PANE_FIRST + row * 16 + col; } void CSplitterWndEx::ShowRow(int r) { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(m_nRows < m_nMaxRows); ASSERT(m_arr); ASSERT(r < m_length); ASSERT(m_arr[r] >= m_nRows); ASSERT(m_arr[r] < m_length); int rowNew = r; int cyNew = m_pRowInfo[m_arr[r]].nCurSize; int cyIdealNew = m_pRowInfo[m_arr[r]].nIdealSize; int new_val = 0; for (int i = rowNew - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (m_arr[i] < m_nRows) // not hidden { new_val = m_arr[i] + 1; break; } int old_val = m_arr[rowNew]; m_nRows++; // add a row // fill the hided row int row; for (int col = 0; col < m_nCols; col++) { CWnd* pPaneShow = GetDlgItem( Id_short(old_val, col)); ASSERT(pPaneShow != NULL); pPaneShow->ShowWindow(SW_SHOWNA); for (row = m_length - 1; row >= 0; row--) { if ((m_arr[row] >= new_val) && (m_arr[row] < old_val)) { CWnd* pPane = CSplitterWnd::GetPane(m_arr[row], col); ASSERT(pPane != NULL); pPane->SetDlgCtrlID(Id_short(m_arr[row] + 1, col)); } } pPaneShow->SetDlgCtrlID(Id_short(new_val, col)); } for (row = 0; row < m_length; row++) if ((m_arr[row] >= new_val) && (m_arr[row] < old_val)) m_arr[row]++; m_arr[rowNew] = new_val; //new panes have been created -- recalculate layout for (row = new_val + 1; row < m_length; row++) { if (m_arr[row]=0x10000) { int rowToResize=(cyNew>>16)-1; cyNew%=0x10000; cyIdealNew%=0x10000; m_pRowInfo[m_arr[rowToResize]].nCurSize-=cyNew+m_cxSplitter; m_pRowInfo[m_arr[rowToResize]].nIdealSize=m_pRowInfo[m_arr[rowToResize]].nCurSize;//-=cyIdealNew+m_cxSplitter; } m_pRowInfo[new_val].nIdealSize = cyNew; m_pRowInfo[new_val].nCurSize = cyNew; RecalcLayout(); } void CSplitterWndEx::ShowColumn(int c) { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(m_nCols < m_nMaxCols); ASSERT(m_arr); ASSERT(c < m_length); ASSERT(m_arr[c] >= m_nRows); ASSERT(m_arr[c] < m_length); int colNew = c; int cxNew = m_pColInfo[m_arr[c]].nCurSize; int cxIdealNew = m_pColInfo[m_arr[c]].nIdealSize; int new_val = 0; for (int i = colNew - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (m_arr[i] < m_nCols) // not hidden { new_val = m_arr[i] + 1; break; } int old_val = m_arr[colNew]; m_nCols++; // add a col // fill the hided col int col; for (int row = 0; row < m_nRows; row++) { CWnd* pPaneShow = GetDlgItem( Id_short(row, old_val)); ASSERT(pPaneShow != NULL); pPaneShow->ShowWindow(SW_SHOWNA); for (col = m_length - 1; col >= 0; col--) { if ((m_arr[col] >= new_val) && (m_arr[col] < old_val)) { CWnd* pPane = CSplitterWnd::GetPane(row, m_arr[col]); ASSERT(pPane != NULL); pPane->SetDlgCtrlID(Id_short(row, m_arr[col]+1)); } } pPaneShow->SetDlgCtrlID(Id_short(row, new_val)); } for (col = 0; col < m_length; col++) if ((m_arr[col] >= new_val) && (m_arr[col] < old_val)) m_arr[col]++; m_arr[colNew] = new_val; //new panes have been created -- recalculate layout for (col = new_val + 1; col < m_length; col++) { if (m_arr[col]=0x10000) { int colToResize=(cxNew>>16)-1; cxNew%=0x10000; cxIdealNew%=0x10000; m_pColInfo[m_arr[colToResize]].nCurSize-=cxNew+m_cySplitter; m_pColInfo[m_arr[colToResize]].nIdealSize=m_pColInfo[m_arr[colToResize]].nCurSize;//-=cxIdealNew+m_cySplitter; } m_pColInfo[new_val].nIdealSize = cxNew; m_pColInfo[new_val].nCurSize = cxNew; RecalcLayout(); } void CSplitterWndEx::HideRow(int rowHide,int rowToResize) { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(m_nRows > 1); if (m_arr) ASSERT(m_arr[rowHide] < m_nRows); // if the row has an active window -- change it int rowActive, colActive; if (!m_arr) { m_arr = new int[m_nRows]; for (int i = 0; i < m_nRows; i++) m_arr[i] = i; m_length = m_nRows; } if (GetActivePane(&rowActive, &colActive) != NULL && rowActive == rowHide) //colActive == rowHide) { if (++rowActive >= m_nRows) rowActive = 0; //SetActivePane(rowActive, colActive); SetActivePane(rowActive, colActive); } // hide all row panes for (int col = 0; col < m_nCols; col++) { CWnd* pPaneHide = CSplitterWnd::GetPane(m_arr[rowHide], col); ASSERT(pPaneHide != NULL); pPaneHide->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); for (int row = rowHide + 1; row < m_length; row++) { if (m_arr[row] < m_nRows ) { CWnd* pPane = CSplitterWnd::GetPane(m_arr[row], col); ASSERT(pPane != NULL); pPane->SetDlgCtrlID(Id_short(row-1, col)); m_arr[row]--; } } pPaneHide->SetDlgCtrlID( Id_short(m_nRows -1 , col)); } int oldsize=m_pRowInfo[m_arr[rowHide]].nCurSize; for (int row=rowHide;row<(m_length-1);row++) { if (m_arr[row+1] < m_nRows ) { m_pRowInfo[m_arr[row]].nCurSize=m_pRowInfo[m_arr[row+1]].nCurSize; m_pRowInfo[m_arr[row]].nIdealSize=m_pRowInfo[m_arr[row+1]].nCurSize; } } if (rowToResize!=-1) { m_pRowInfo[m_arr[rowToResize]].nCurSize+=oldsize+m_cySplitter; m_pRowInfo[m_arr[rowToResize]].nIdealSize+=oldsize+m_cySplitter; oldsize+=0x10000*(rowToResize+1); } m_pRowInfo[m_nRows - 1].nCurSize =oldsize; m_pRowInfo[m_nRows - 1].nIdealSize =oldsize; m_arr[rowHide] = m_nRows-1; m_nRows--; RecalcLayout(); } void CSplitterWndEx::HideColumn(int colHide, int colToResize) { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(m_nCols > 1); if (m_arr) ASSERT(m_arr[colHide] < m_nCols); // if the col has an active window -- change it int colActive, rowActive; if (!m_arr) { m_arr = new int[m_nCols]; for (int i = 0; i < m_nCols; i++) m_arr[i] = i; m_length = m_nCols; } if (GetActivePane(&rowActive, &colActive) != NULL && colActive == colHide) { if (++colActive >= m_nCols) colActive = 0; SetActivePane(rowActive, colActive); } // hide all row panes for (int row = 0; row < m_nRows; row++) { CWnd* pPaneHide = CSplitterWnd::GetPane(row, m_arr[colHide]); ASSERT(pPaneHide != NULL); pPaneHide->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); for (int col = colHide + 1; col < m_length; col++) { if (m_arr[col] < m_nCols ) { CWnd* pPane = CSplitterWnd::GetPane(row, m_arr[col]); ASSERT(pPane != NULL); pPane->SetDlgCtrlID(Id_short(row, col-1)); m_arr[col]--; } } pPaneHide->SetDlgCtrlID( Id_short(row, m_nCols -1)); } int oldsize = m_pColInfo[m_arr[colHide]].nCurSize; for (int col = colHide; col < (m_length - 1); ++col) { if (m_arr[col + 1] < m_nCols) { m_pColInfo[m_arr[col]].nCurSize = m_pColInfo[m_arr[col + 1]].nCurSize; m_pColInfo[m_arr[col]].nIdealSize = m_pColInfo[m_arr[col + 1]].nCurSize; } } if (colToResize != -1) { m_pColInfo[m_arr[colToResize]].nCurSize += oldsize + m_cxSplitter; m_pColInfo[m_arr[colToResize]].nIdealSize += oldsize + m_cxSplitter; oldsize += 0x10000 * (colToResize + 1); } m_pColInfo[m_nCols - 1].nCurSize = oldsize; m_pColInfo[m_nCols - 1].nIdealSize = oldsize; m_arr[colHide] = m_nCols - 1; m_nCols--; RecalcLayout(); } BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CSplitterWndEx, CSplitterWnd) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CSplitterWndEx) // NOTE - the ClassWizard will add and remove mapping macros here. //}}AFX_MSG_MAP END_MESSAGE_MAP() CWnd* CSplitterWndEx::GetPane(int row, int col) { if (!m_arr) return CSplitterWnd::GetPane(row,col); else { ASSERT_VALID(this); CWnd* pView = GetDlgItem(IdFromRowCol(m_arr[row], col)); ASSERT(pView != NULL); // panes can be a CWnd, but are usually CViews return pView; } } int CSplitterWndEx::IdFromRowCol(int row, int col) const { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(row >= 0); ASSERT(row < (m_arr?m_length:m_nRows)); ASSERT(col >= 0); ASSERT(col < m_nCols); return AFX_IDW_PANE_FIRST + row * 16 + col; } BOOL CSplitterWndEx::IsChildPane(CWnd* pWnd, int* pRow, int* pCol) { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT_VALID(pWnd); UINT nID = ::GetDlgCtrlID(pWnd->m_hWnd); if (IsChild(pWnd) && nID >= AFX_IDW_PANE_FIRST && nID <= AFX_IDW_PANE_LAST) { if (pWnd->GetParent()!=this) return FALSE; if (pRow != NULL) *pRow = (nID - AFX_IDW_PANE_FIRST) / 16; if (pCol != NULL) *pCol = (nID - AFX_IDW_PANE_FIRST) % 16; ASSERT(pRow == NULL || *pRow < (m_arr?m_length:m_nRows)); ASSERT(pCol == NULL || *pCol < m_nCols); return TRUE; } else { if (pRow != NULL) *pRow = -1; if (pCol != NULL) *pCol = -1; return FALSE; } } CWnd* CSplitterWndEx::GetActivePane(int* pRow, int* pCol) // return active view, NULL when no active view { ASSERT_VALID(this); // attempt to use active view of frame window CWnd* pView = NULL; CFrameWnd* pFrameWnd = GetParentFrame(); ASSERT_VALID(pFrameWnd); pView = pFrameWnd->GetActiveView(); // failing that, use the current focus if (pView == NULL) pView = GetFocus(); // make sure the pane is a child pane of the splitter if (pView != NULL && !IsChildPane(pView, pRow, pCol)) pView = NULL; return pView; } BOOL CSplitterWndEx::IsRowHidden(int row) { return m_arr[row]>=m_nRows; } void CSplitterWndEx::GetRowInfoEx(int row, int &cyCur, int &cyMin) { if (!m_arr) GetRowInfo(row,cyCur,cyMin); else { if (m_pRowInfo[m_arr[row]].nCurSize>0x10000) cyCur=m_pRowInfo[m_arr[row]].nCurSize/0x10000; else cyCur=m_pRowInfo[m_arr[row]].nCurSize%0x10000; cyMin=0; } } __int64 CSplitterWndEx::GetSizes() const { LARGE_INTEGER v; int dummy; int s1, s2; if (BarIsHorizontal()) { GetRowInfo(0, s1, dummy); GetRowInfo(1, s2, dummy); v.HighPart = s1; v.LowPart = s2; } else { GetColumnInfo(0, s1, dummy); GetColumnInfo(1, s2, dummy); v.HighPart = s1; v.LowPart = s2; } return v.QuadPart; }