#ifndef PROCESSORINFO_H #define PROCESSORINFO_H class CProcessorInfo { protected: SYSTEM_INFO m_sysInfo; public: CProcessorInfo(void) { ::GetSystemInfo(&m_sysInfo); } virtual ~CProcessorInfo(void) { } CString GetProcessorName(void) { CString sRC; CString sSpeed; CString sVendor; // Get the processor speed info. HKEY hKey; LONG result = ::RegOpenKeyEx (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, _T("Hardware\\Description\\System\\CentralProcessor\\0"), 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hKey); // Check if the function has succeeded. if (result == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD data; DWORD dataSize = sizeof(data); result = ::RegQueryValueEx (hKey, _T("~MHz"), NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)&data, &dataSize); if (result == ERROR_SUCCESS) { sSpeed.Format ( _T("Speed: %dMHz "), data); } else { sSpeed = _T("Speed: Unknown "); } TCHAR vendorData [64]; dataSize = sizeof (vendorData); result = ::RegQueryValueEx (hKey, _T("VendorIdentifier"), NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)vendorData, &dataSize); if (result == ERROR_SUCCESS) { sVendor.Format ( _T("Vendor: %s "), vendorData); } else { sVendor = _T("Vendor: Unknown "); } } // Make sure to close the reg key RegCloseKey (hKey); CString sType; switch (m_sysInfo.dwProcessorType) { case PROCESSOR_INTEL_386: sType = _T("Type: Intel 386 "); break; case PROCESSOR_INTEL_486: sType = _T("Type: Intel 486 "); break; case PROCESSOR_INTEL_PENTIUM: sType = _T("Type: Intel Pentium compatible"); break; case PROCESSOR_MIPS_R4000: sType = _T("Type: MIPS "); break; case PROCESSOR_ALPHA_21064: sType = _T("Type: Alpha "); break; default: sType = _T("Type: Unknown "); break; } CString sProcessors; sProcessors.Format( _T("Number Of Processors: %lu "), m_sysInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors); CString sArchitecture; CString sProcessorLevel; CString sStepping; switch(m_sysInfo.wProcessorArchitecture) { case PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL: sArchitecture = _T("Architecture: Intel "); switch (m_sysInfo.wProcessorLevel) { case 3: sProcessorLevel = _T("Level: 80386"); { int iSteppingLevel = m_sysInfo.wProcessorRevision / 100; int iStepping = m_sysInfo.wProcessorRevision % 100; sStepping.Format( _T("Stepping: %c%u "), iSteppingLevel, iStepping); } break; case 4: sProcessorLevel = _T("Level: 80486"); { int iSteppingLevel = m_sysInfo.wProcessorRevision / 100; int iStepping = m_sysInfo.wProcessorRevision % 100; sStepping.Format( _T("Stepping: %c%u "), iSteppingLevel, iStepping); } break; case 5: sProcessorLevel = _T("Level: Pentium"); { typedef BOOL (*PIPFP)(DWORD); PIPFP lpfn = (PIPFP)::GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle( _T("kernel32.dll") ), "IsProcessorFeaturePresentA"); if (lpfn) { if ((lpfn)(PF_MMX_INSTRUCTIONS_AVAILABLE)) { sProcessorLevel += _T (" MMX"); } } int iModel = m_sysInfo.wProcessorRevision / 100; int iStepping = m_sysInfo.wProcessorRevision % 100; sStepping.Format( _T("Stepping: %u-%u "), iModel, iStepping); } break; case 6: sProcessorLevel = _T("Level: Pentium II/Pro"); { int iModel = m_sysInfo.wProcessorRevision / 100; int iStepping = m_sysInfo.wProcessorRevision % 100; sStepping.Format( _T("Stepping: %u-%u "), iModel, iStepping); } break; default: sProcessorLevel.Format( _T("Level: Unknown %u "), m_sysInfo.wProcessorLevel); { int iModel = m_sysInfo.wProcessorRevision / 100; int iStepping = m_sysInfo.wProcessorRevision % 100; sStepping.Format( _T("Stepping: %u-%u "), iModel, iStepping); } break; } break; case PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_MIPS: sArchitecture = "Architecture: MIPS "; switch(m_sysInfo.wProcessorLevel) { case 0004: sProcessorLevel = "Level: R4000 "; break; default: sProcessorLevel.Format( _T("Level: Unknown %u "), m_sysInfo.wProcessorLevel); break; } sStepping.Format( _T("Stepping: 00%u"), m_sysInfo.wProcessorRevision); break; case PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_ALPHA: sArchitecture = "Architecture: Alpha "; sProcessorLevel.Format( _T("Level: %u "), m_sysInfo.wProcessorLevel); { int iModel = m_sysInfo.wProcessorRevision / 100; int iStepping = m_sysInfo.wProcessorRevision % 100; sStepping.Format( _T("Stepping: %c%u "), iModel, iStepping); } break; case PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_PPC: sArchitecture = _T("Architecture: PowerPC "); switch(m_sysInfo.wProcessorLevel) { case 1: sProcessorLevel = _T("Level: 601 "); break; case 3: sProcessorLevel = _T("Level: 603 "); break; case 4: sProcessorLevel = _T("Level: 604 "); break; case 6: sProcessorLevel = _T("Level: 603+ "); break; case 9: sProcessorLevel = _T("Level: 604+ "); break; case 20: sProcessorLevel = _T("Level: 620 "); break; default: sProcessorLevel.Format( _T("Level: Unknown %u "), m_sysInfo.wProcessorLevel); break; } { int iModel = m_sysInfo.wProcessorRevision / 100; int iStepping = m_sysInfo.wProcessorRevision % 100; sStepping.Format( _T("Stepping: %u.%u "), iModel, iStepping); } break; case PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_UNKNOWN: sArchitecture = "Architecture: Unknown "; sProcessorLevel.Format( _T("Level: Unknown %u "), m_sysInfo.wProcessorLevel); { int iModel = m_sysInfo.wProcessorRevision / 100; int iStepping = m_sysInfo.wProcessorRevision % 100; sStepping.Format( _T("Stepping: %u-%u "), iModel, iStepping); } break; default: sArchitecture.Format( _T("Architecture: Unknown %u "), m_sysInfo.wProcessorArchitecture); sProcessorLevel.Format( _T("Level: Unknown %u "), m_sysInfo.wProcessorLevel); { int iModel = m_sysInfo.wProcessorRevision / 100; int iStepping = m_sysInfo.wProcessorRevision % 100; sStepping.Format( _T("Stepping: %u-%u "), iModel, iStepping); } break; } sRC = sVendor + "," + sSpeed + "," + sType + "," + sProcessors + "," + sArchitecture + "," + sProcessorLevel + "," + sStepping; return sRC; } }; class CMemoryInfo { protected: public: CMemoryInfo(void) { } CString GetMemoryInfo(void) { CString sRC; MEMORYSTATUS memoryStatus; memset (&memoryStatus, 0, sizeof(MEMORYSTATUS)); memoryStatus.dwLength = sizeof (MEMORYSTATUS); GlobalMemoryStatus (&memoryStatus); DWORD dwMinWSSize; DWORD dwMaxWSSize; ::GetProcessWorkingSetSize(GetCurrentProcess(), &dwMinWSSize, &dwMaxWSSize); sRC.Format( _T("Memory Used %lu%%, Total Physical Memory %luKB, Physical Memory Available %luKB, Total Virtual Memory %luKB, Available Virtual Memory %luKB, Working Set Min : %luKB Max : %luKB .\r\n"), memoryStatus.dwMemoryLoad, memoryStatus.dwTotalPhys / 1024, memoryStatus.dwAvailPhys / 1024, memoryStatus.dwTotalVirtual / 1024, memoryStatus.dwAvailVirtual / 1024, dwMinWSSize/1024, dwMaxWSSize/1024); return sRC; } }; #endif