// FileZilla Server - a Windows ftp server // Copyright (C) 2002-2004 - Tim Kosse // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. // Speedcpp: implementation of the CSpeedLimit class. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "stdafx.h" #include "SpeedLimit.h" #include "xml_utils.h" #include "tinyxml/tinyxml.h" ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Construction/Destruction ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CSpeedLimit::CSpeedLimit() { m_Day = 0; m_Speed = 10; m_ToCheck = false; m_DateCheck = false; m_FromCheck = false; } CSpeedLimit::~CSpeedLimit() { } bool CSpeedLimit::IsItActive(const SYSTEMTIME &time) const { if (m_DateCheck) { if ((m_Date.y != time.wYear) || (m_Date.m != time.wMonth) || (m_Date.d != time.wDay)) return false; } else { int i = (time.wDayOfWeek + 6) % 7; if (!(m_Day & ( 1 << i))) return false; } int curTime = time.wHour * 60 * 60 + time.wMinute * 60 + time.wSecond; int fromTime = 0; int toTime = 0; if (m_ToCheck) toTime = m_ToTime.h * 60 * 60 + m_ToTime.m * 60 + m_ToTime.s; if (m_FromCheck) fromTime = m_FromTime.h * 60 * 60 + m_FromTime.m * 60 + m_FromTime.s; if (m_FromCheck && m_ToCheck) { int span = toTime - fromTime; if (span < 0) span += 24 * 60 * 60; int ref = curTime - fromTime; if (ref < 0) ref += 24 * 60 * 60; if (span < ref) return false; } else { if (m_ToCheck) { if (toTime < curTime) return false; } if (m_FromCheck) { if (fromTime > curTime) return false; } } return true; } int CSpeedLimit::GetRequiredBufferLen() const { return 2 + //Speed 4 + //date 6 + //2 * time 1; //Weekday } char * CSpeedLimit::FillBuffer(char *p) const { *p++ = m_Speed >> 8; *p++ = m_Speed % 256; if (m_DateCheck) { *p++ = m_Date.y >> 8; *p++ = m_Date.y % 256; *p++ = m_Date.m; *p++ = m_Date.d; } else { memset(p, 0, 4); p += 4; } if (m_FromCheck) { *p++ = m_FromTime.h; *p++ = m_FromTime.m; *p++ = m_FromTime.s; } else { memset(p, 0, 3); p += 3; } if (m_ToCheck) { *p++ = m_ToTime.h; *p++ = m_ToTime.m; *p++ = m_ToTime.s; } else { memset(p, 0, 3); p += 3; } *p++ = m_Day; return p; } unsigned char * CSpeedLimit::ParseBuffer(unsigned char *pBuffer, int length) { if (length < GetRequiredBufferLen()) return 0; unsigned char *p = pBuffer; m_Speed = *p++ << 8; m_Speed |= *p++; char tmp[4] = {0}; if (memcmp(p, tmp, 4)) { m_DateCheck = true; m_Date.y = *p++ << 8; m_Date.y |= *p++; m_Date.m = *p++; m_Date.d = *p++; if (m_Date.y < 1900 || m_Date.y > 3000 || m_Date.m < 1 || m_Date.m > 12 || m_Date.d < 1 || m_Date.d > 31) return false; } else { p += 4; m_DateCheck = false; } if (memcmp(p, tmp, 3)) { m_FromCheck = true; m_FromTime.h = *p++; m_FromTime.m = *p++; m_FromTime.s = *p++; if (m_FromTime.h > 23 || m_FromTime.m > 59 || m_FromTime.s > 59) return false; } else { p += 3; m_FromCheck = false; } if (memcmp(p, tmp, 3)) { m_ToCheck = TRUE; m_ToTime.h = *p++; m_ToTime.m = *p++; m_ToTime.s = *p++; if (m_ToTime.h > 23 || m_ToTime.m > 59 || m_ToTime.s > 59) return false; } else { p += 3; m_ToCheck = false; } m_Day = *p++; return p; } static void SaveTime(TiXmlElement* pElement, CSpeedLimit::t_time t) { pElement->SetAttribute("Hour", t.h); pElement->SetAttribute("Minute", t.m); pElement->SetAttribute("Second", t.s); } void CSpeedLimit::Save(TiXmlElement* pElement) { pElement->SetAttribute("Speed", m_Speed); CStdString str; str.Format(_T("%d"), m_Day); TiXmlElement* pDays = pElement->LinkEndChild(new TiXmlElement("Days"))->ToElement(); XML::SetText(pDays, str); if (m_DateCheck) { TiXmlElement* pDate = pElement->LinkEndChild(new TiXmlElement("Date"))->ToElement(); pDate->SetAttribute("Year", m_Date.y); pDate->SetAttribute("Month", m_Date.m); pDate->SetAttribute("Day", m_Date.d); } if (m_FromCheck) { TiXmlElement* pFrom = pElement->LinkEndChild(new TiXmlElement("From"))->ToElement(); SaveTime(pFrom, m_FromTime); } if (m_ToCheck) { TiXmlElement* pTo = pElement->LinkEndChild(new TiXmlElement("To"))->ToElement(); SaveTime(pTo, m_ToTime); } } CSpeedLimit::t_time CSpeedLimit::ReadTime(TiXmlElement* pElement) { CSpeedLimit::t_time t; CStdString str = ConvFromNetwork(pElement->Attribute("Hour")); int n = _ttoi(str); if (n < 0 || n > 23) n = 0; t.h = n; str = ConvFromNetwork(pElement->Attribute("Minute")); n = _ttoi(str); if (n < 0 || n > 59) n = 0; t.m = n; str = ConvFromNetwork(pElement->Attribute("Second")); n = _ttoi(str); if (n < 0 || n > 59) n = 0; t.s = n; return t; } bool CSpeedLimit::Load(TiXmlElement* pElement) { CStdString str; str = ConvFromNetwork(pElement->Attribute("Speed")); int n = _ttoi(str); if (n < 0 || n > 65535) n = 10; m_Speed = n; TiXmlElement* pDays = pElement->FirstChildElement("Days"); if (pDays) { str = XML::ReadText(pDays); if (str != _T("")) n = _ttoi(str); else n = 0x7F; m_Day = n & 0x7F; } m_DateCheck = false; TiXmlElement* pDate = pElement->FirstChildElement("Date"); if (pDate) { m_DateCheck = true; str = ConvFromNetwork(pDate->Attribute("Year")); n = _ttoi(str); if (n < 1900 || n > 3000) n = 2003; m_Date.y = n; str = ConvFromNetwork(pDate->Attribute("Month")); n = _ttoi(str); if (n < 1 || n > 12) n = 1; m_Date.m = n; str = ConvFromNetwork(pDate->Attribute("Day")); n = _ttoi(str); if (n < 1 || n > 31) n = 1; m_Date.d = n; } TiXmlElement* pFrom = pElement->FirstChildElement("From"); if (pFrom) { m_FromCheck = true; m_FromTime = ReadTime(pFrom); } else m_FromCheck = false; TiXmlElement* pTo = pElement->FirstChildElement("To"); if (pTo) { m_ToCheck = true; m_ToTime = ReadTime(pTo); } else m_ToCheck = false; return true; }