// FileZilla Server - a Windows ftp server // Copyright (C) 2002-2011 - Tim Kosse // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. #if !defined(OPTION_TYPES_INCLUDED) #define OPTION_TYPES_INCLUDED #if _MSC_VER > 1000 #pragma once #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000 // OptionTypes.h : Header-Datei // #define OPTION_SERVERPORT 1 #define OPTION_THREADNUM 2 #define OPTION_MAXUSERS 3 #define OPTION_TIMEOUT 4 #define OPTION_NOTRANSFERTIMEOUT 5 #define OPTION_INFXP 6 #define OPTION_OUTFXP 7 #define OPTION_NOINFXPSTRICT 8 #define OPTION_NOOUTFXPSTRICT 9 #define OPTION_LOGINTIMEOUT 10 #define OPTION_LOGSHOWPASS 11 #define OPTION_CUSTOMPASVIPTYPE 12 #define OPTION_CUSTOMPASVIP 13 #define OPTION_CUSTOMPASVMINPORT 14 #define OPTION_CUSTOMPASVMAXPORT 15 #define OPTION_WELCOMEMESSAGE 16 #define OPTION_ADMINPORT 17 #define OPTION_ADMINPASS 18 #define OPTION_ADMINIPBINDINGS 19 #define OPTION_ADMINIPADDRESSES 20 #define OPTION_ENABLELOGGING 21 #define OPTION_LOGLIMITSIZE 22 #define OPTION_LOGTYPE 23 #define OPTION_LOGDELETETIME 24 #define OPTION_USEGSS 25 #define OPTION_GSSPROMPTPASSWORD 26 #define OPTION_DOWNLOADSPEEDLIMITTYPE 27 #define OPTION_UPLOADSPEEDLIMITTYPE 28 #define OPTION_DOWNLOADSPEEDLIMIT 29 #define OPTION_UPLOADSPEEDLIMIT 30 #define OPTION_BUFFERSIZE 31 #define OPTION_CUSTOMPASVIPSERVER 32 #define OPTION_USECUSTOMPASVPORT 33 #define OPTION_MODEZ_USE 34 #define OPTION_MODEZ_LEVELMIN 35 #define OPTION_MODEZ_LEVELMAX 36 #define OPTION_MODEZ_ALLOWLOCAL 37 #define OPTION_MODEZ_DISALLOWED_IPS 38 #define OPTION_IPBINDINGS 39 #define OPTION_IPFILTER_ALLOWED 40 #define OPTION_IPFILTER_DISALLOWED 41 #define OPTION_WELCOMEMESSAGE_HIDE 42 #define OPTION_ENABLESSL 43 #define OPTION_ALLOWEXPLICITSSL 44 #define OPTION_SSLKEYFILE 45 #define OPTION_SSLCERTFILE 46 #define OPTION_SSLPORTS 47 #define OPTION_SSLFORCEEXPLICIT 48 #define OPTION_BUFFERSIZE2 49 #define OPTION_FORCEPROTP 50 #define OPTION_SSLKEYPASS 51 #define OPTION_SHAREDWRITE 52 #define OPTION_NOEXTERNALIPONLOCAL 53 #define OPTION_ACTIVE_IGNORELOCAL 54 #define OPTION_AUTOBAN_ENABLE 55 #define OPTION_AUTOBAN_ATTEMPTS 56 #define OPTION_AUTOBAN_TYPE 57 #define OPTION_AUTOBAN_BANTIME 58 #define OPTION_SERVICE_NAME 59 #define OPTION_SERVICE_DISPLAY_NAME 60 #define OPTION_ENABLE_HASH 61 #define OPTION_DISABLE_IPV6 62 #define OPTIONS_NUM 62 #define CONST_WELCOMEMESSAGE_LINESIZE 75 struct t_Option { TCHAR name[30]; int nType; BOOL bOnlyLocal; //If TRUE, setting can only be changed from local connections }; const DWORD SERVER_VERSION = 0x00094000; const DWORD PROTOCOL_VERSION = 0x00010C00; // Name Type Not remotely // (0=str, 1=numeric) changeable static const t_Option m_Options[OPTIONS_NUM]={ _T("Serverports"), 0, FALSE, _T("Number of Threads"), 1, FALSE, _T("Maximum user count"), 1, FALSE, _T("Timeout"), 1, FALSE, _T("No Transfer Timeout"), 1, FALSE, _T("Allow Incoming FXP"), 1, FALSE, _T("Allow outgoing FXP"), 1, FALSE, _T("No Strict In FXP"), 1, FALSE, _T("No Strict Out FXP"), 1, FALSE, _T("Login Timeout"), 1, FALSE, _T("Show Pass in Log"), 1, FALSE, _T("Custom PASV IP type"), 1, FALSE, _T("Custom PASV IP"), 0, FALSE, _T("Custom PASV min port"), 1, FALSE, _T("Custom PASV max port"), 1, FALSE, _T("Initial Welcome Message"), 0, FALSE, _T("Admin port"), 1, TRUE, _T("Admin Password"), 0, TRUE, _T("Admin IP Bindings"), 0, TRUE, _T("Admin IP Addresses"), 0, TRUE, _T("Enable logging"), 1, FALSE, _T("Logsize limit"), 1, FALSE, _T("Logfile type"), 1, FALSE, _T("Logfile delete time"), 1, FALSE, _T("Use GSS Support"), 1, FALSE, _T("GSS Prompt for Password"), 1, FALSE, _T("Download Speedlimit Type"), 1, FALSE, _T("Upload Speedlimit Type"), 1, FALSE, _T("Download Speedlimit"), 1, FALSE, _T("Upload Speedlimit"), 1, FALSE, _T("Buffer Size"), 1, FALSE, _T("Custom PASV IP server"), 0, FALSE, _T("Use custom PASV ports"), 1, FALSE, _T("Mode Z Use"), 1, FALSE, _T("Mode Z min level"), 1, FALSE, _T("Mode Z max level"), 1, FALSE, _T("Mode Z allow local"), 1, FALSE, _T("Mode Z disallowed IPs"), 0, FALSE, _T("IP Bindings"), 0, FALSE, _T("IP Filter Allowed"), 0, FALSE, _T("IP Filter Disallowed"), 0, FALSE, _T("Hide Welcome Message"), 1, FALSE, _T("Enable SSL"), 1, FALSE, _T("Allow explicit SSL"), 1, FALSE, _T("SSL Key file"), 0, FALSE, _T("SSL Certificate file"), 0, FALSE, _T("Implicit SSL ports"), 0, FALSE, _T("Force explicit SSL"), 1, FALSE, _T("Network Buffer Size"), 1, FALSE, _T("Force PROT P"), 1, FALSE, _T("SSL Key Password"), 0, FALSE, _T("Allow shared write"), 1, FALSE, _T("No External IP On Local"), 1, FALSE, _T("Active ignore local"), 1, FALSE, _T("Autoban enable"), 1, FALSE, _T("Autoban attempts"), 1, FALSE, _T("Autoban type"), 1, FALSE, _T("Autoban time"), 1, FALSE, _T("Service name"), 0, TRUE, _T("Service display name"), 0, TRUE, _T("Enable HASH"), 1, FALSE, _T("Disable IPv6"), 1, FALSE }; #endif // OPTION_TYPES_INCLUDED