/*CAsyncSocketEx by Tim Kosse (Tim.Kosse@gmx.de) Version 1.3 (2003-04-26) -------------------------------------------------------- Introduction: ------------- CAsyncSocketEx is a replacement for the MFC class CAsyncSocket. This class was written because CAsyncSocket is not the fastest WinSock wrapper and it's very hard to add new functionality to CAsyncSocket derived classes. This class offers the same functionality as CAsyncSocket. Also, CAsyncSocketEx offers some enhancements which were not possible with CAsyncSocket without some tricks. How do I use it? ---------------- Basically exactly like CAsyncSocket. To use CAsyncSocketEx, just replace all occurrences of CAsyncSocket in your code with CAsyncSocketEx, if you did not enhance CAsyncSocket yourself in any way, you won't have to change anything else in your code. Why is CAsyncSocketEx faster? ----------------------------- CAsyncSocketEx is slightly faster when dispatching notification event messages. First have a look at the way CAsyncSocket works. For each thread that uses CAsyncSocket, a window is created. CAsyncSocket calls WSAAsyncSelect with the handle of that window. Until here, CAsyncSocketEx works the same way. But CAsyncSocket uses only one window message (WM_SOCKET_NOTIFY) for all sockets within one thread. When the window recieve WM_SOCKET_NOTIFY, wParam contains the socket handle and the window looks up an CAsyncSocket instance using a map. CAsyncSocketEx works differently. It's helper window uses a wide range of different window messages (WM_USER through 0xBFFF) and passes a different message to WSAAsyncSelect for each socket. When a message in the specified range is received, CAsyncSocketEx looks up the pointer to a CAsyncSocketEx instance in an Array using the index of message - WM_USER. As you can see, CAsyncSocketEx uses the helper window in a more efficient way, as it don't have to use the slow maps to lookup it's own instance. Still, speed increase is not very much, but it may be noticeable when using a lot of sockets at the same time. Please note that the changes do not affect the raw data throughput rate, CAsyncSocketEx only dispatches the notification messages faster. What else does CAsyncSocketEx offer? ------------------------------------ CAsyncSocketEx offers a flexible layer system. One example is the proxy layer. Just create an instance of the proxy layer, configure it and add it to the layer chain of your CAsyncSocketEx instance. After that, you can connect through proxies. Benefit: You don't have to change much to use the layer system. Another layer that is currently in development is the SSL layer to establish SSL encrypted connections. License ------- Feel free to use this class, as long as you don't claim that you wrote it and this copyright notice stays intact in the source files. If you use this class in commercial applications, please send a short message to tim.kosse@gmx.de */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "AsyncSocketEx.h" #include "wtypes.h" #include "oleauto.h" #include "atlconv.h" #ifndef NOLAYERS #include "AsyncSocketExLayer.h" #endif //NOLAYERS #ifdef _DEBUG #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__; #endif #ifndef CCRITICALSECTIONWRAPPERINCLUDED class CCriticalSectionWrapper { public: CCriticalSectionWrapper() { m_bInitialized = TRUE; InitializeCriticalSection(&m_criticalSection); } ~CCriticalSectionWrapper() { if (m_bInitialized) DeleteCriticalSection(&m_criticalSection); m_bInitialized = FALSE; } void Lock() { if (m_bInitialized) EnterCriticalSection(&m_criticalSection); } void Unlock() { if (m_bInitialized) LeaveCriticalSection(&m_criticalSection); } protected: CRITICAL_SECTION m_criticalSection; BOOL m_bInitialized; }; #define CCRITICALSECTIONWRAPPERINCLUDED #endif CCriticalSectionWrapper CAsyncSocketEx::m_sGlobalCriticalSection; CAsyncSocketEx::t_AsyncSocketExThreadDataList *CAsyncSocketEx::m_spAsyncSocketExThreadDataList = 0; HMODULE CAsyncSocketEx::m_hDll = 0; t_getaddrinfo CAsyncSocketEx::p_getaddrinfo = 0; t_freeaddrinfo CAsyncSocketEx::p_freeaddrinfo = 0; #ifndef _AFX #ifndef VERIFY #define VERIFY(x) (void(x)) #endif //VERIFY #ifndef ASSERT #define ASSERT(x) #endif //ASSERT #endif //_AFX ///////////////////////////// //Helper Window class #define WM_SOCKETEX_NOTIFY (WM_USER+3) #define MAX_SOCKETS (0xBFFF-WM_SOCKETEX_NOTIFY+1) class CAsyncSocketExHelperWindow { public: CAsyncSocketExHelperWindow(CAsyncSocketEx::t_AsyncSocketExThreadData* pThreadData) { //Initialize data m_pAsyncSocketExWindowData = new t_AsyncSocketExWindowData[512]; //Reserve space for 512 active sockets memset(m_pAsyncSocketExWindowData, 0, 512*sizeof(t_AsyncSocketExWindowData)); m_nWindowDataSize=512; m_nSocketCount=0; m_nWindowDataPos=0; m_pThreadData = pThreadData; //Create window WNDCLASSEX wndclass; wndclass.cbSize=sizeof wndclass; wndclass.style=0; wndclass.lpfnWndProc=WindowProc; wndclass.cbClsExtra=0; wndclass.cbWndExtra=0; wndclass.hInstance=GetModuleHandle(0); wndclass.hIcon=0; wndclass.hCursor=0; wndclass.hbrBackground=0; wndclass.lpszMenuName=0; wndclass.lpszClassName=_T("CAsyncSocketEx Helper Window"); wndclass.hIconSm=0; RegisterClassEx(&wndclass); m_hWnd=CreateWindow(_T("CAsyncSocketEx Helper Window"), _T("CAsyncSocketEx Helper Window"), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, GetModuleHandle(0)); ASSERT(m_hWnd); SetWindowLongPtr(m_hWnd, GWLP_USERDATA, (LONG_PTR)this); }; virtual ~CAsyncSocketExHelperWindow() { //Clean up socket storage delete [] m_pAsyncSocketExWindowData; m_pAsyncSocketExWindowData=0; m_nWindowDataSize=0; m_nSocketCount=0; //Destroy window if (m_hWnd) { DestroyWindow(m_hWnd); m_hWnd=0; } } //Adds a socket to the list of attached sockets BOOL AddSocket(CAsyncSocketEx *pSocket, int &nSocketIndex) { ASSERT(pSocket); if (!m_nWindowDataSize) { ASSERT(!m_nSocketCount); m_nWindowDataSize=512; m_pAsyncSocketExWindowData=new t_AsyncSocketExWindowData[512]; //Reserve space for 512 active sockets memset(m_pAsyncSocketExWindowData, 0, 512*sizeof(t_AsyncSocketExWindowData)); } if (nSocketIndex!=-1) { ASSERT(m_pAsyncSocketExWindowData); ASSERT(m_nWindowDataSize>nSocketIndex); ASSERT(m_pAsyncSocketExWindowData[nSocketIndex].m_pSocket==pSocket); ASSERT(m_nSocketCount); return TRUE; } //Increase socket storage if too small if (m_nSocketCount>=(m_nWindowDataSize-10)) { int nOldWindowDataSize=m_nWindowDataSize; ASSERT(m_nWindowDataSizeMAX_SOCKETS) m_nWindowDataSize=MAX_SOCKETS; t_AsyncSocketExWindowData *tmp=m_pAsyncSocketExWindowData; m_pAsyncSocketExWindowData = new t_AsyncSocketExWindowData[m_nWindowDataSize]; memcpy(m_pAsyncSocketExWindowData, tmp, nOldWindowDataSize * sizeof(t_AsyncSocketExWindowData)); memset(m_pAsyncSocketExWindowData+nOldWindowDataSize, 0, (m_nWindowDataSize-nOldWindowDataSize)*sizeof(t_AsyncSocketExWindowData)); delete [] tmp; } //Search for free slot for (int i=m_nWindowDataPos;i<(m_nWindowDataSize+m_nWindowDataPos);i++) { if (!m_pAsyncSocketExWindowData[i%m_nWindowDataSize].m_pSocket) { m_pAsyncSocketExWindowData[i%m_nWindowDataSize].m_pSocket=pSocket; nSocketIndex=i%m_nWindowDataSize; m_nWindowDataPos=(i+1)%m_nWindowDataSize; m_nSocketCount++; return TRUE; } } //No slot found, maybe there are too much sockets! return FALSE; } //Removes a socket from the socket storage BOOL RemoveSocket(CAsyncSocketEx *pSocket, int &nSocketIndex) { ASSERT(pSocket); if (nSocketIndex==-1) return TRUE; // Remove additional messages from queue MSG msg; while (PeekMessage(&msg, m_hWnd, WM_SOCKETEX_NOTIFY + nSocketIndex, WM_SOCKETEX_NOTIFY + nSocketIndex, PM_REMOVE)); ASSERT(m_pAsyncSocketExWindowData); ASSERT(m_nWindowDataSize>0); ASSERT(m_nSocketCount>0); ASSERT(m_pAsyncSocketExWindowData[nSocketIndex].m_pSocket==pSocket); m_pAsyncSocketExWindowData[nSocketIndex].m_pSocket=0; nSocketIndex=-1; m_nSocketCount--; return TRUE; } void RemoveLayers(CAsyncSocketEx *pOrigSocket) { // Remove all layer messages from old socket std::list msgList; MSG msg; while (PeekMessage(&msg, m_hWnd, WM_USER, WM_USER, PM_REMOVE)) { //Verify parameters, lookup socket and notification message //Verify parameters if (msg.wParam >= static_cast(m_nWindowDataSize)) //Index is within socket storage continue; CAsyncSocketEx *pSocket = m_pAsyncSocketExWindowData[msg.wParam].m_pSocket; CAsyncSocketExLayer::t_LayerNotifyMsg *pMsg=(CAsyncSocketExLayer::t_LayerNotifyMsg *)msg.lParam; if (!pMsg || !pSocket || pSocket == pOrigSocket || pSocket->m_SocketData.hSocket != pMsg->hSocket) { delete pMsg; continue; } msgList.push_back(msg); } for (std::list::iterator iter = msgList.begin(); iter != msgList.end(); iter++) PostMessage(m_hWnd, iter->message, iter->wParam, iter->lParam); } //Processes event notifications sent by the sockets or the layers static LRESULT CALLBACK WindowProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if (message>=WM_SOCKETEX_NOTIFY) { //Verify parameters ASSERT(hWnd); CAsyncSocketExHelperWindow *pWnd=(CAsyncSocketExHelperWindow *)GetWindowLongPtr(hWnd, GWLP_USERDATA); ASSERT(pWnd); if (message(WM_SOCKETEX_NOTIFY+pWnd->m_nWindowDataSize)) //Index is within socket storage { //Lookup socket and verify if it's valid CAsyncSocketEx *pSocket=pWnd->m_pAsyncSocketExWindowData[message-WM_SOCKETEX_NOTIFY].m_pSocket; SOCKET hSocket=wParam; if (!pSocket) return 0; if (hSocket==INVALID_SOCKET) return 0; if (pSocket->m_SocketData.hSocket != hSocket) return 0; int nEvent=lParam&0xFFFF; int nErrorCode=lParam>>16; //Dispatch notification #ifndef NOLAYERS if (!pSocket->m_pFirstLayer) { #endif //NOLAYERS //Dispatch to CAsyncSocketEx instance switch (nEvent) { case FD_READ: #ifndef NOSOCKETSTATES if (pSocket->GetState() == connecting && !nErrorCode) { pSocket->m_nPendingEvents |= FD_READ; break; } else if (pSocket->GetState() == attached) pSocket->SetState(connected); if (pSocket->GetState() != connected) break; // Ignore further FD_READ events after FD_CLOSE has been received if (pSocket->m_SocketData.onCloseCalled) break; #endif //NOSOCKETSTATES if (pSocket->m_lEvent & FD_READ) { DWORD nBytes = 0; if (!nErrorCode) if (!pSocket->IOCtl(FIONREAD, &nBytes)) nErrorCode = WSAGetLastError(); #ifndef NOSOCKETSTATES if (nErrorCode) pSocket->SetState(aborted); #endif //NOSOCKETSTATES if (nBytes != 0 || nErrorCode != 0) pSocket->OnReceive(nErrorCode); } break; case FD_FORCEREAD: //Forceread does not check if there's data waiting #ifndef NOSOCKETSTATES if (pSocket->GetState() == connecting && !nErrorCode) { pSocket->m_nPendingEvents |= FD_FORCEREAD; break; } else if (pSocket->GetState() == attached) pSocket->SetState(connected); if (pSocket->GetState() != connected) break; #endif //NOSOCKETSTATES if (pSocket->m_lEvent & FD_READ) { #ifndef NOSOCKETSTATES if (nErrorCode) pSocket->SetState(aborted); #endif //NOSOCKETSTATES pSocket->OnReceive(nErrorCode); } break; case FD_WRITE: #ifndef NOSOCKETSTATES if (pSocket->GetState() == connecting && !nErrorCode) { pSocket->m_nPendingEvents |= FD_WRITE; break; } else if (pSocket->GetState() == attached && !nErrorCode) pSocket->SetState(connected); if (pSocket->GetState() != connected) break; #endif //NOSOCKETSTATES if (pSocket->m_lEvent & FD_WRITE) { #ifndef NOSOCKETSTATES if (nErrorCode) pSocket->SetState(aborted); #endif //NOSOCKETSTATES pSocket->OnSend(nErrorCode); } break; case FD_CONNECT: #ifndef NOSOCKETSTATES if (pSocket->GetState() == connecting) { if (nErrorCode && pSocket->m_SocketData.nextAddr) { if (pSocket->TryNextProtocol()) break; } pSocket->SetState(connected); } else if (pSocket->GetState() == attached && !nErrorCode) pSocket->SetState(connected); #endif //NOSOCKETSTATES if (pSocket->m_lEvent & FD_CONNECT) pSocket->OnConnect(nErrorCode); #ifndef NOSOCKETSTATES if (!nErrorCode) { if ((pSocket->m_nPendingEvents&FD_READ) && pSocket->GetState() == connected) pSocket->OnReceive(0); if ((pSocket->m_nPendingEvents&FD_FORCEREAD) && pSocket->GetState() == connected) pSocket->OnReceive(0); if ((pSocket->m_nPendingEvents&FD_WRITE) && pSocket->GetState() == connected) pSocket->OnSend(0); } pSocket->m_nPendingEvents = 0; #endif break; case FD_ACCEPT: #ifndef NOSOCKETSTATES if (pSocket->GetState() != listening && pSocket->GetState() != attached) break; #endif //NOSOCKETSTATES if (pSocket->m_lEvent & FD_ACCEPT) pSocket->OnAccept(nErrorCode); break; case FD_CLOSE: #ifndef NOSOCKETSTATES if (pSocket->GetState() != connected && pSocket->GetState() != attached) break; // If there are still bytes left to read, call OnReceive instead of // OnClose and trigger a new OnClose DWORD nBytes = 0; if (!nErrorCode && pSocket->IOCtl(FIONREAD, &nBytes)) { if (nBytes > 0) { // Just repeat message. PostMessage(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam); pSocket->m_SocketData.onCloseCalled = true; pSocket->OnReceive(WSAESHUTDOWN); break; } } pSocket->SetState(nErrorCode?aborted:closed); #endif //NOSOCKETSTATES pSocket->OnClose(nErrorCode); break; } } #ifndef NOLAYERS else //Dispatch notification to the lowest layer { if (nEvent == FD_READ) { // Ignore further FD_READ events after FD_CLOSE has been received if (pSocket->m_SocketData.onCloseCalled) return 0; DWORD nBytes; if (!pSocket->IOCtl(FIONREAD, &nBytes)) nErrorCode = WSAGetLastError(); if (nBytes != 0 || nErrorCode != 0) pSocket->m_pLastLayer->CallEvent(nEvent, nErrorCode); } else if (nEvent == FD_CLOSE) { // If there are still bytes left to read, call OnReceive instead of // OnClose and trigger a new OnClose DWORD nBytes = 0; if (!nErrorCode && pSocket->IOCtl(FIONREAD, &nBytes)) { if (nBytes > 0) { // Just repeat message. pSocket->ResendCloseNotify(); pSocket->m_pLastLayer->CallEvent(FD_READ, 0); return 0; } } pSocket->m_SocketData.onCloseCalled = true; pSocket->m_pLastLayer->CallEvent(nEvent, nErrorCode); } else pSocket->m_pLastLayer->CallEvent(nEvent, nErrorCode); } } #endif //NOLAYERS return 0; } #ifndef NOLAYERS else if (message == WM_USER) //Notification event sent by a layer { //Verify parameters, lookup socket and notification message //Verify parameters ASSERT(hWnd); CAsyncSocketExHelperWindow *pWnd=(CAsyncSocketExHelperWindow *)GetWindowLongPtr(hWnd, GWLP_USERDATA); ASSERT(pWnd); if (wParam >= static_cast(pWnd->m_nWindowDataSize)) //Index is within socket storage { return 0; } CAsyncSocketEx *pSocket=pWnd->m_pAsyncSocketExWindowData[wParam].m_pSocket; CAsyncSocketExLayer::t_LayerNotifyMsg *pMsg=(CAsyncSocketExLayer::t_LayerNotifyMsg *)lParam; if (!pMsg || !pSocket || pSocket->m_SocketData.hSocket != pMsg->hSocket) { delete pMsg; return 0; } int nEvent=pMsg->lEvent&0xFFFF; int nErrorCode=pMsg->lEvent>>16; //Dispatch to layer if (pMsg->pLayer) pMsg->pLayer->CallEvent(nEvent, nErrorCode); else { //Dispatch to CAsyncSocketEx instance switch (nEvent) { case FD_READ: #ifndef NOSOCKETSTATES if (pSocket->GetState() == connecting && !nErrorCode) { pSocket->m_nPendingEvents |= FD_READ; break; } else if (pSocket->GetState() == attached && !nErrorCode) pSocket->SetState(connected); if (pSocket->GetState() != connected) break; #endif //NOSOCKETSTATES if (pSocket->m_lEvent & FD_READ) { #ifndef NOSOCKETSTATES if (nErrorCode) pSocket->SetState(aborted); #endif //NOSOCKETSTATES pSocket->OnReceive(nErrorCode); } break; case FD_FORCEREAD: //Forceread does not check if there's data waiting #ifndef NOSOCKETSTATES if (pSocket->GetState() == connecting && !nErrorCode) { pSocket->m_nPendingEvents |= FD_FORCEREAD; break; } else if (pSocket->GetState() == attached && !nErrorCode) pSocket->SetState(connected); if (pSocket->GetState() != connected) break; #endif //NOSOCKETSTATES if (pSocket->m_lEvent & FD_READ) { #ifndef NOSOCKETSTATES if (nErrorCode) pSocket->SetState(aborted); #endif //NOSOCKETSTATES pSocket->OnReceive(nErrorCode); } break; case FD_WRITE: #ifndef NOSOCKETSTATES if (pSocket->GetState() == connecting && !nErrorCode) { pSocket->m_nPendingEvents |= FD_WRITE; break; } else if (pSocket->GetState() == attached && !nErrorCode) pSocket->SetState(connected); if (pSocket->GetState() != connected) break; #endif //NOSOCKETSTATES if (pSocket->m_lEvent & FD_WRITE) { #ifndef NOSOCKETSTATES if (nErrorCode) pSocket->SetState(aborted); #endif //NOSOCKETSTATES pSocket->OnSend(nErrorCode); } break; case FD_CONNECT: #ifndef NOSOCKETSTATES if (pSocket->GetState() == connecting) pSocket->SetState(connected); else if (pSocket->GetState() == attached && !nErrorCode) pSocket->SetState(connected); #endif //NOSOCKETSTATES if (pSocket->m_lEvent & FD_CONNECT) pSocket->OnConnect(nErrorCode); #ifndef NOSOCKETSTATES if (!nErrorCode) { if (((pSocket->m_nPendingEvents&FD_READ) && pSocket->GetState() == connected) && (pSocket->m_lEvent & FD_READ)) pSocket->OnReceive(0); if (((pSocket->m_nPendingEvents&FD_FORCEREAD) && pSocket->GetState() == connected) && (pSocket->m_lEvent & FD_READ)) pSocket->OnReceive(0); if (((pSocket->m_nPendingEvents&FD_WRITE) && pSocket->GetState() == connected) && (pSocket->m_lEvent & FD_WRITE)) pSocket->OnSend(0); } pSocket->m_nPendingEvents = 0; #endif //NOSOCKETSTATES break; case FD_ACCEPT: #ifndef NOSOCKETSTATES if ((pSocket->GetState() == listening || pSocket->GetState() == attached) && (pSocket->m_lEvent & FD_ACCEPT)) #endif //NOSOCKETSTATES { pSocket->OnAccept(nErrorCode); } break; case FD_CLOSE: #ifndef NOSOCKETSTATES if ((pSocket->GetState() == connected || pSocket->GetState() == attached) && (pSocket->m_lEvent & FD_CLOSE)) { pSocket->SetState(nErrorCode?aborted:closed); #else { #endif //NOSOCKETSTATES pSocket->OnClose(nErrorCode); } break; } } delete pMsg; return 0; } #endif //NOLAYERS else if (message == WM_USER+1) { // WSAAsyncGetHostByName reply // Verify parameters ASSERT(hWnd); CAsyncSocketExHelperWindow *pWnd = (CAsyncSocketExHelperWindow *)GetWindowLongPtr(hWnd, GWLP_USERDATA); ASSERT(pWnd); CAsyncSocketEx *pSocket = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < pWnd->m_nWindowDataSize; i++) { pSocket = pWnd->m_pAsyncSocketExWindowData[i].m_pSocket; if (pSocket && pSocket->m_hAsyncGetHostByNameHandle && pSocket->m_hAsyncGetHostByNameHandle == (HANDLE)wParam) break; } if (!pSocket) return 0; int nErrorCode = lParam >> 16; if (nErrorCode) { pSocket->OnConnect(nErrorCode); return 0; } SOCKADDR_IN sockAddr; memset(&sockAddr,0,sizeof(sockAddr)); sockAddr.sin_family=AF_INET; sockAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = ((LPIN_ADDR)((LPHOSTENT)pSocket->m_pAsyncGetHostByNameBuffer)->h_addr)->s_addr; sockAddr.sin_port = htons(pSocket->m_nAsyncGetHostByNamePort); BOOL res = pSocket->Connect((SOCKADDR*)&sockAddr, sizeof(sockAddr)); delete [] pSocket->m_pAsyncGetHostByNameBuffer; pSocket->m_pAsyncGetHostByNameBuffer=0; pSocket->m_hAsyncGetHostByNameHandle=0; if (!res) if (GetLastError()!=WSAEWOULDBLOCK) pSocket->OnConnect(GetLastError()); return 0; } else if (message == WM_USER + 2) { //Verify parameters, lookup socket and notification message //Verify parameters if (!hWnd) return 0; CAsyncSocketExHelperWindow *pWnd=(CAsyncSocketExHelperWindow *)GetWindowLongPtr(hWnd, GWLP_USERDATA); if (!pWnd) return 0; if (wParam >= static_cast(pWnd->m_nWindowDataSize)) //Index is within socket storage return 0; CAsyncSocketEx *pSocket = pWnd->m_pAsyncSocketExWindowData[wParam].m_pSocket; if (!pSocket) return 0; // Process pending callbacks std::list tmp; tmp.swap(pSocket->m_pendingCallbacks); pSocket->OnLayerCallback(tmp); } else if (message == WM_TIMER) { if (wParam != 1) return 0; ASSERT(hWnd); CAsyncSocketExHelperWindow *pWnd=(CAsyncSocketExHelperWindow *)GetWindowLongPtr(hWnd, GWLP_USERDATA); ASSERT(pWnd); if (pWnd->m_pThreadData->layerCloseNotify.empty()) { KillTimer(hWnd, 1); return 0; } CAsyncSocketEx* socket = pWnd->m_pThreadData->layerCloseNotify.front(); pWnd->m_pThreadData->layerCloseNotify.pop_front(); if (pWnd->m_pThreadData->layerCloseNotify.empty()) KillTimer(hWnd, 1); PostMessage(hWnd, socket->m_SocketData.nSocketIndex + WM_SOCKETEX_NOTIFY, socket->m_SocketData.hSocket, FD_CLOSE); return 0; } return DefWindowProc(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam); } HWND CAsyncSocketExHelperWindow::GetHwnd() { return m_hWnd; } private: HWND m_hWnd; struct t_AsyncSocketExWindowData { CAsyncSocketEx *m_pSocket; } *m_pAsyncSocketExWindowData; int m_nWindowDataSize; int m_nWindowDataPos; int m_nSocketCount; CAsyncSocketEx::t_AsyncSocketExThreadData* m_pThreadData; }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Konstruktion/Destruktion ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CAsyncSocketEx::CAsyncSocketEx() { m_SocketData.hSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; m_SocketData.nSocketIndex = -1; m_SocketData.nFamily = AF_UNSPEC; m_SocketData.onCloseCalled = false; m_pLocalAsyncSocketExThreadData = 0; #ifndef NOSOCKETSTATES m_nPendingEvents = 0; m_nState = notsock; #endif //NOSOCKETSTATES #ifndef NOLAYERS m_pFirstLayer = 0; m_pLastLayer = 0; #endif //NOLAYERS m_pAsyncGetHostByNameBuffer = NULL; m_hAsyncGetHostByNameHandle = NULL; m_nSocketPort = 0; m_lpszSocketAddress = 0; m_SocketData.addrInfo = 0; m_SocketData.nextAddr = 0; } CAsyncSocketEx::~CAsyncSocketEx() { Close(); FreeAsyncSocketExInstance(); } BOOL CAsyncSocketEx::Create(UINT nSocketPort /*=0*/, int nSocketType /*=SOCK_STREAM*/, long lEvent /*=FD_READ | FD_WRITE | FD_OOB | FD_ACCEPT | FD_CONNECT | FD_CLOSE*/, LPCTSTR lpszSocketAddress /*=NULL*/, int nFamily /*=AF_INET*/, bool reusable /*=false*/) { ASSERT(GetSocketHandle() == INVALID_SOCKET); //Close the socket, although this should not happen if (GetSocketHandle() != INVALID_SOCKET) { WSASetLastError(WSAEALREADY); return FALSE; } BOOL res = InitAsyncSocketExInstance(); ASSERT(res); if (!res) { WSASetLastError(WSANOTINITIALISED); return FALSE; } m_SocketData.nFamily = nFamily; #ifndef NOLAYERS if (m_pFirstLayer) { res = m_pFirstLayer->Create(nSocketPort, nSocketType, lEvent, lpszSocketAddress, nFamily, reusable); #ifndef NOSOCKETSTATES if (res) SetState(unconnected); #endif //NOSOCKETSTATES return res; } else #endif //NOLAYERS { if (m_SocketData.nFamily == AF_UNSPEC) { #ifndef NOSOCKETSTATES SetState(unconnected); #endif //NOSOCKETSTATES m_lEvent = lEvent; m_nSocketPort = nSocketPort; delete [] m_lpszSocketAddress; if (lpszSocketAddress && *lpszSocketAddress) { m_lpszSocketAddress = new TCHAR[_tcslen(lpszSocketAddress) + 1]; _tcscpy(m_lpszSocketAddress, lpszSocketAddress); } else m_lpszSocketAddress = 0; return TRUE; } else { SOCKET hSocket = socket(m_SocketData.nFamily, nSocketType, 0); if (hSocket == INVALID_SOCKET) return FALSE; m_SocketData.hSocket = hSocket; AttachHandle(hSocket); #ifndef NOLAYERS if (m_pFirstLayer) { m_lEvent = lEvent; if (WSAAsyncSelect(m_SocketData.hSocket, GetHelperWindowHandle(), m_SocketData.nSocketIndex+WM_SOCKETEX_NOTIFY, FD_READ | FD_WRITE | FD_OOB | FD_ACCEPT | FD_CONNECT | FD_CLOSE) ) { Close(); return FALSE; } } else #endif //NOLAYERS { if (!AsyncSelect(lEvent)) { Close(); return FALSE; } } if (reusable && nSocketPort != 0) { BOOL value = TRUE; SetSockOpt(SO_REUSEADDR, reinterpret_cast(&value), sizeof(value)); } if (!Bind(nSocketPort, lpszSocketAddress)) { Close(); return FALSE; } #ifndef NOSOCKETSTATES SetState(unconnected); #endif //NOSOCKETSTATES return TRUE; } } } void CAsyncSocketEx::OnReceive(int nErrorCode) { } void CAsyncSocketEx::OnSend(int nErrorCode) { } void CAsyncSocketEx::OnConnect(int nErrorCode) { } void CAsyncSocketEx::OnAccept(int nErrorCode) { } void CAsyncSocketEx::OnClose(int nErrorCode) { } BOOL CAsyncSocketEx::Bind(UINT nSocketPort, LPCTSTR lpszSocketAddress) { delete [] m_lpszSocketAddress; if (lpszSocketAddress && *lpszSocketAddress) { m_lpszSocketAddress = new TCHAR[_tcslen(lpszSocketAddress) + 1]; _tcscpy(m_lpszSocketAddress, lpszSocketAddress); } else m_lpszSocketAddress = 0; m_nSocketPort = nSocketPort; if (m_SocketData.nFamily == AF_UNSPEC) return TRUE; USES_CONVERSION; LPSTR lpszAscii = (lpszSocketAddress && *lpszSocketAddress) ? T2A((LPTSTR)lpszSocketAddress) : 0; if ((m_SocketData.nFamily == AF_INET6 || m_SocketData.nFamily == AF_INET) && lpszAscii) { if (!p_getaddrinfo) { if (m_SocketData.nFamily != AF_INET) { WSASetLastError(WSAEPROTONOSUPPORT); return FALSE; } else { unsigned long ip = inet_addr(lpszAscii); if (!ip) { WSASetLastError(WSAEINVAL); return FALSE; } SOCKADDR_IN sockAddr; memset(&sockAddr, 0, sizeof(sockAddr)); sockAddr.sin_family = m_SocketData.nFamily; sockAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = ip; sockAddr.sin_port = htons((u_short)nSocketPort); return Bind((SOCKADDR*)&sockAddr, sizeof(sockAddr)); } } addrinfo hints, *res0, *res; int error; char port[10]; BOOL ret = FALSE; memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(addrinfo)); hints.ai_family = m_SocketData.nFamily; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; _snprintf(port, 9, "%lu", nSocketPort); error = p_getaddrinfo(lpszAscii, port, &hints, &res0); if (error) return FALSE; for (res = res0; res; res = res->ai_next) if (Bind(res->ai_addr, res->ai_addrlen)) { ret = TRUE; break; } else continue ; p_freeaddrinfo(res0); return ret ; } else if (!lpszAscii && m_SocketData.nFamily == AF_INET6) { SOCKADDR_IN6 sockAddr6; memset(&sockAddr6, 0, sizeof(sockAddr6)); sockAddr6.sin6_family = AF_INET6 ; sockAddr6.sin6_addr = in6addr_any ; sockAddr6.sin6_port = htons((u_short)nSocketPort); return Bind((SOCKADDR*)&sockAddr6, sizeof(sockAddr6)); } else if (!lpszAscii && m_SocketData.nFamily == AF_INET) { SOCKADDR_IN sockAddr; memset(&sockAddr, 0, sizeof(sockAddr)); sockAddr.sin_family = AF_INET ; sockAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY ; sockAddr.sin_port = htons((u_short)nSocketPort); return Bind((SOCKADDR*)&sockAddr, sizeof(sockAddr)); } else return FALSE ; } BOOL CAsyncSocketEx::Bind(const SOCKADDR* lpSockAddr, int nSockAddrLen) { if (!bind(m_SocketData.hSocket, lpSockAddr, nSockAddrLen)) return TRUE; else return FALSE; } void CAsyncSocketEx::AttachHandle(SOCKET hSocket) { ASSERT(m_pLocalAsyncSocketExThreadData); VERIFY(m_pLocalAsyncSocketExThreadData->m_pHelperWindow->AddSocket(this, m_SocketData.nSocketIndex)); #ifndef NOSOCKETSTATES SetState(attached); #endif //NOSOCKETSTATES } void CAsyncSocketEx::DetachHandle(SOCKET hSocket) { ASSERT(m_pLocalAsyncSocketExThreadData); if (!m_pLocalAsyncSocketExThreadData) return; ASSERT(m_pLocalAsyncSocketExThreadData->m_pHelperWindow); if (!m_pLocalAsyncSocketExThreadData->m_pHelperWindow) return; VERIFY(m_pLocalAsyncSocketExThreadData->m_pHelperWindow->RemoveSocket(this, m_SocketData.nSocketIndex)); #ifndef NOSOCKETSTATES SetState(notsock); #endif //NOSOCKETSTATES } void CAsyncSocketEx::Close() { #ifndef NOSOCKETSTATES m_nPendingEvents = 0; #endif //NOSOCKETSTATES #ifndef NOLAYERS if (m_pFirstLayer) m_pFirstLayer->Close(); #endif //NOLAYERS if (m_SocketData.hSocket != INVALID_SOCKET) { VERIFY((closesocket(m_SocketData.hSocket) != SOCKET_ERROR)); DetachHandle(m_SocketData.hSocket); m_SocketData.hSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; } if (m_SocketData.addrInfo) { p_freeaddrinfo(m_SocketData.addrInfo); m_SocketData.addrInfo = 0; m_SocketData.nextAddr = 0; } m_SocketData.nFamily = AF_UNSPEC; delete [] m_lpszSocketAddress; m_lpszSocketAddress = 0; m_nSocketPort = 0; #ifndef NOLAYERS RemoveAllLayers(); #endif //NOLAYERS delete [] m_pAsyncGetHostByNameBuffer; m_pAsyncGetHostByNameBuffer = NULL; if (m_hAsyncGetHostByNameHandle) WSACancelAsyncRequest(m_hAsyncGetHostByNameHandle); m_hAsyncGetHostByNameHandle = NULL; m_SocketData.onCloseCalled = false; } BOOL CAsyncSocketEx::InitAsyncSocketExInstance() { //Check if already initialized if (m_pLocalAsyncSocketExThreadData) return TRUE; DWORD id=GetCurrentThreadId(); m_sGlobalCriticalSection.Lock(); //Get thread specific data if (m_spAsyncSocketExThreadDataList) { t_AsyncSocketExThreadDataList *pList=m_spAsyncSocketExThreadDataList; while (pList) { ASSERT(pList->pThreadData); ASSERT(pList->pThreadData->nInstanceCount>0); if (pList->pThreadData->nThreadId==id) { m_pLocalAsyncSocketExThreadData=pList->pThreadData; m_pLocalAsyncSocketExThreadData->nInstanceCount++; break; } pList=pList->pNext; } //Current thread yet has no sockets if (!pList) { //Initialize data for current thread pList=new t_AsyncSocketExThreadDataList; pList->pNext=m_spAsyncSocketExThreadDataList; m_spAsyncSocketExThreadDataList=pList; m_pLocalAsyncSocketExThreadData=new t_AsyncSocketExThreadData; m_pLocalAsyncSocketExThreadData->nInstanceCount=1; m_pLocalAsyncSocketExThreadData->nThreadId=id; m_pLocalAsyncSocketExThreadData->m_pHelperWindow=new CAsyncSocketExHelperWindow(m_pLocalAsyncSocketExThreadData); m_spAsyncSocketExThreadDataList->pThreadData=m_pLocalAsyncSocketExThreadData; } } else { //No thread has instances of CAsyncSocketEx; Initialize data m_spAsyncSocketExThreadDataList=new t_AsyncSocketExThreadDataList; m_spAsyncSocketExThreadDataList->pNext=0; m_pLocalAsyncSocketExThreadData=new t_AsyncSocketExThreadData; m_pLocalAsyncSocketExThreadData->nInstanceCount=1; m_pLocalAsyncSocketExThreadData->nThreadId=id; m_pLocalAsyncSocketExThreadData->m_pHelperWindow=new CAsyncSocketExHelperWindow(m_pLocalAsyncSocketExThreadData); m_spAsyncSocketExThreadDataList->pThreadData=m_pLocalAsyncSocketExThreadData; m_hDll = LoadLibrary(_T("WS2_32.dll")); if (m_hDll) { p_getaddrinfo = (t_getaddrinfo)GetProcAddress(m_hDll, "getaddrinfo"); p_freeaddrinfo = (t_freeaddrinfo)GetProcAddress(m_hDll, "freeaddrinfo"); if (!p_getaddrinfo || !p_freeaddrinfo) { p_getaddrinfo = 0; p_freeaddrinfo = 0; FreeLibrary(m_hDll); m_hDll = 0; } } } m_sGlobalCriticalSection.Unlock(); return TRUE; } void CAsyncSocketEx::FreeAsyncSocketExInstance() { //Check if already freed if (!m_pLocalAsyncSocketExThreadData) return; for (std::list::iterator iter = m_pLocalAsyncSocketExThreadData->layerCloseNotify.begin(); iter != m_pLocalAsyncSocketExThreadData->layerCloseNotify.end(); iter++) { if (*iter != this) continue; m_pLocalAsyncSocketExThreadData->layerCloseNotify.erase(iter); if (m_pLocalAsyncSocketExThreadData->layerCloseNotify.empty()) KillTimer(m_pLocalAsyncSocketExThreadData->m_pHelperWindow->GetHwnd(), 1); break; } DWORD id=m_pLocalAsyncSocketExThreadData->nThreadId; m_sGlobalCriticalSection.Lock(); ASSERT(m_spAsyncSocketExThreadDataList); t_AsyncSocketExThreadDataList *pList=m_spAsyncSocketExThreadDataList; t_AsyncSocketExThreadDataList *pPrev=0; //Serach for data for current thread and decrease instance count while (pList) { ASSERT(pList->pThreadData); ASSERT(pList->pThreadData->nInstanceCount>0); if (pList->pThreadData->nThreadId==id) { ASSERT(m_pLocalAsyncSocketExThreadData==pList->pThreadData); m_pLocalAsyncSocketExThreadData->nInstanceCount--; //Freeing last instance? //If so, destroy helper window if (!m_pLocalAsyncSocketExThreadData->nInstanceCount) { delete m_pLocalAsyncSocketExThreadData->m_pHelperWindow; delete m_pLocalAsyncSocketExThreadData; if (pPrev) pPrev->pNext=pList->pNext; else m_spAsyncSocketExThreadDataList=pList->pNext; delete pList; // Last thread closed, free dll if (!m_spAsyncSocketExThreadDataList) { if (m_hDll) { p_getaddrinfo = 0; p_freeaddrinfo = 0; FreeLibrary(m_hDll); m_hDll = 0; } } break; } break; } pPrev=pList; pList=pList->pNext; ASSERT(pList); } m_sGlobalCriticalSection.Unlock(); } int CAsyncSocketEx::Receive(void* lpBuf, int nBufLen, int nFlags /*=0*/) { #ifndef NOLAYERS if (m_pFirstLayer) return m_pFirstLayer->Receive(lpBuf, nBufLen, nFlags); else #endif //NOLAYERS return recv(m_SocketData.hSocket, (LPSTR)lpBuf, nBufLen, nFlags); } int CAsyncSocketEx::Send(const void* lpBuf, int nBufLen, int nFlags /*=0*/) { #ifndef NOLAYERS if (m_pFirstLayer) return m_pFirstLayer->Send(lpBuf, nBufLen, nFlags); else #endif //NOLAYERS return send(m_SocketData.hSocket, (LPSTR)lpBuf, nBufLen, nFlags); } BOOL CAsyncSocketEx::Connect(LPCTSTR lpszHostAddress, UINT nHostPort) { #ifndef NOLAYERS if (m_pFirstLayer) { BOOL res = m_pFirstLayer->Connect(lpszHostAddress, nHostPort); #ifndef NOSOCKETSTATES if (res || GetLastError()==WSAEWOULDBLOCK) SetState(connecting); #endif //NOSOCKETSTATES return res; } else #endif //NOLAYERS if (m_SocketData.nFamily == AF_INET) { USES_CONVERSION; ASSERT(lpszHostAddress != NULL); SOCKADDR_IN sockAddr; memset(&sockAddr,0,sizeof(sockAddr)); LPSTR lpszAscii = T2A((LPTSTR)lpszHostAddress); sockAddr.sin_family = AF_INET; sockAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(lpszAscii); if (sockAddr.sin_addr.s_addr == INADDR_NONE) { if (m_pAsyncGetHostByNameBuffer) delete [] m_pAsyncGetHostByNameBuffer; m_pAsyncGetHostByNameBuffer=new char[MAXGETHOSTSTRUCT]; m_nAsyncGetHostByNamePort=nHostPort; m_hAsyncGetHostByNameHandle=WSAAsyncGetHostByName(GetHelperWindowHandle(), WM_USER+1, lpszAscii, m_pAsyncGetHostByNameBuffer, MAXGETHOSTSTRUCT); if (!m_hAsyncGetHostByNameHandle) return FALSE; WSASetLastError(WSAEWOULDBLOCK); #ifndef NOSOCKETSTATES SetState(connecting); #endif //NOSOCKETSTATES return FALSE; } sockAddr.sin_port = htons((u_short)nHostPort); return CAsyncSocketEx::Connect((SOCKADDR*)&sockAddr, sizeof(sockAddr)); } else { if (!p_getaddrinfo) { WSASetLastError(WSAEPROTONOSUPPORT); return FALSE; } USES_CONVERSION; ASSERT( lpszHostAddress != NULL ); if (m_SocketData.addrInfo) { p_freeaddrinfo(m_SocketData.addrInfo); m_SocketData.addrInfo = 0; m_SocketData.nextAddr = 0; } addrinfo hints; int error; BOOL ret = TRUE; char port[10]; memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(addrinfo)); hints.ai_family = m_SocketData.nFamily; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; _snprintf(port, 9, "%lu", nHostPort); error = p_getaddrinfo(T2CA(lpszHostAddress), port, &hints, &m_SocketData.addrInfo); if (error) return FALSE; for (m_SocketData.nextAddr = m_SocketData.addrInfo; m_SocketData.nextAddr; m_SocketData.nextAddr = m_SocketData.nextAddr->ai_next) { bool newSocket = false; if (m_SocketData.nFamily == AF_UNSPEC) { newSocket = true; m_SocketData.hSocket = socket(m_SocketData.nextAddr->ai_family, m_SocketData.nextAddr->ai_socktype, m_SocketData.nextAddr->ai_protocol); if (m_SocketData.hSocket == INVALID_SOCKET) continue; m_SocketData.nFamily = m_SocketData.nextAddr->ai_family; AttachHandle(m_SocketData.hSocket); if (!AsyncSelect(m_lEvent)) { if (newSocket) { DetachHandle(m_SocketData.hSocket); closesocket(m_SocketData.hSocket); m_SocketData.hSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; } continue; } } else if (m_SocketData.hSocket == INVALID_SOCKET) continue; #ifndef NOLAYERS if (m_pFirstLayer) { if (WSAAsyncSelect(m_SocketData.hSocket, GetHelperWindowHandle(), m_SocketData.nSocketIndex+WM_SOCKETEX_NOTIFY, FD_READ | FD_WRITE | FD_OOB | FD_ACCEPT | FD_CONNECT | FD_CLOSE)) { if (newSocket) { m_SocketData.nFamily = AF_UNSPEC; DetachHandle(m_SocketData.hSocket); closesocket(m_SocketData.hSocket); m_SocketData.hSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; } continue; } } #endif //NOLAYERS if (newSocket) { m_SocketData.nFamily = m_SocketData.nextAddr->ai_family; if (!Bind(m_nSocketPort, m_lpszSocketAddress)) { m_SocketData.nFamily = AF_UNSPEC; DetachHandle(m_SocketData.hSocket); closesocket(m_SocketData.hSocket); m_SocketData.hSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; continue; } } if (!(ret = CAsyncSocketEx::Connect(m_SocketData.nextAddr->ai_addr, m_SocketData.nextAddr->ai_addrlen)) && GetLastError() != WSAEWOULDBLOCK) { if (newSocket) { m_SocketData.nFamily = AF_UNSPEC; DetachHandle(m_SocketData.hSocket); closesocket(m_SocketData.hSocket); m_SocketData.hSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; } continue; } break; } if (m_SocketData.nextAddr) m_SocketData.nextAddr = m_SocketData.nextAddr->ai_next; if (!m_SocketData.nextAddr) { p_freeaddrinfo(m_SocketData.addrInfo); m_SocketData.nextAddr = 0; m_SocketData.addrInfo = 0; } if (m_SocketData.hSocket == INVALID_SOCKET || !ret) return FALSE; else return TRUE; } } BOOL CAsyncSocketEx::Connect(const SOCKADDR* lpSockAddr, int nSockAddrLen) { BOOL res; #ifndef NOLAYERS if (m_pFirstLayer) res = SOCKET_ERROR!=m_pFirstLayer->Connect(lpSockAddr, nSockAddrLen); else #endif //NOLAYERS res = SOCKET_ERROR!=connect(m_SocketData.hSocket, lpSockAddr, nSockAddrLen); #ifndef NOSOCKETSTATES if (res || GetLastError()==WSAEWOULDBLOCK) SetState(connecting); #endif //NOSOCKETSTATES return res; } BOOL CAsyncSocketEx::GetPeerName( CStdString& rPeerAddress, UINT& rPeerPort ) { #ifndef NOLAYERS if (m_pFirstLayer) return m_pFirstLayer->GetPeerName(rPeerAddress, rPeerPort); #endif NOLAYERS SOCKADDR* sockAddr = 0; int nSockAddrLen = 0; if (m_SocketData.nFamily == AF_INET6) { sockAddr = (SOCKADDR*)new SOCKADDR_IN6; nSockAddrLen = sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN6); } else if (m_SocketData.nFamily == AF_INET) { sockAddr = (SOCKADDR*)new SOCKADDR_IN; nSockAddrLen = sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN); } else { WSASetLastError(WSAEOPNOTSUPP); return FALSE; } memset(sockAddr, 0, nSockAddrLen); BOOL bResult = GetPeerName(sockAddr, &nSockAddrLen); if (bResult) { if (m_SocketData.nFamily == AF_INET6) { rPeerPort = ntohs(((SOCKADDR_IN6*)sockAddr)->sin6_port); LPTSTR buf = Inet6AddrToString(((SOCKADDR_IN6*)sockAddr)->sin6_addr); rPeerAddress = buf; delete [] buf; } else if (m_SocketData.nFamily == AF_INET) { rPeerPort = ntohs(((SOCKADDR_IN*)sockAddr)->sin_port); rPeerAddress = inet_ntoa(((SOCKADDR_IN*)sockAddr)->sin_addr); } else { delete sockAddr; return FALSE; } } delete sockAddr; return bResult; } BOOL CAsyncSocketEx::GetPeerName( SOCKADDR* lpSockAddr, int* lpSockAddrLen ) { #ifndef NOLAYERS if (m_pFirstLayer) return m_pFirstLayer->GetPeerName(lpSockAddr, lpSockAddrLen); #endif //NOLAYERS if (!getpeername(m_SocketData.hSocket, lpSockAddr, lpSockAddrLen)) return TRUE; else return FALSE; } BOOL CAsyncSocketEx::GetSockName(CStdString& rSocketAddress, UINT& rSocketPort) { SOCKADDR* sockAddr = 0; int nSockAddrLen = 0; if (m_SocketData.nFamily == AF_INET6) { sockAddr = (SOCKADDR*)new SOCKADDR_IN6; nSockAddrLen = sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN6); } else if (m_SocketData.nFamily == AF_INET) { sockAddr = (SOCKADDR*)new SOCKADDR_IN; nSockAddrLen = sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN); } else { WSASetLastError(WSAEOPNOTSUPP); return FALSE; } memset(sockAddr, 0, nSockAddrLen); BOOL bResult = GetSockName(sockAddr, &nSockAddrLen); if (bResult) { if (m_SocketData.nFamily == AF_INET6) { rSocketPort = ntohs(((SOCKADDR_IN6*)sockAddr)->sin6_port); LPTSTR buf = Inet6AddrToString(((SOCKADDR_IN6*)sockAddr)->sin6_addr); rSocketAddress = buf; delete [] buf; } else if (m_SocketData.nFamily == AF_INET) { rSocketPort = ntohs(((SOCKADDR_IN*)sockAddr)->sin_port); rSocketAddress = inet_ntoa(((SOCKADDR_IN*)sockAddr)->sin_addr); } else { delete sockAddr; return FALSE; } } delete sockAddr; return bResult; } BOOL CAsyncSocketEx::GetSockName( SOCKADDR* lpSockAddr, int* lpSockAddrLen ) { if ( !getsockname(m_SocketData.hSocket, lpSockAddr, lpSockAddrLen) ) return TRUE; else return FALSE; } BOOL CAsyncSocketEx::ShutDown(int nHow /*=sends*/) { #ifndef NOLAYERS if (m_pFirstLayer) { return m_pFirstLayer->ShutDown(); } else #endif //NOLAYERS { if (!shutdown(m_SocketData.hSocket, nHow)) return TRUE; else return FALSE; } } SOCKET CAsyncSocketEx::Detach() { SOCKET socket = m_SocketData.hSocket; DetachHandle(socket); m_SocketData.hSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; m_SocketData.nFamily = AF_UNSPEC; return socket; } BOOL CAsyncSocketEx::Attach(SOCKET hSocket, long lEvent /*= FD_READ | FD_WRITE | FD_OOB | FD_ACCEPT | FD_CONNECT | FD_CLOSE*/) { if (hSocket==INVALID_SOCKET || !hSocket) return FALSE; VERIFY(InitAsyncSocketExInstance()); m_SocketData.hSocket = hSocket; sockaddr_storage addr; memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(sockaddr_storage)); int len = sizeof(addr); if (getsockname(m_SocketData.hSocket, reinterpret_cast(&addr), &len) != 0) return FALSE; m_SocketData.nFamily = addr.ss_family; AttachHandle(hSocket); #ifndef NOLAYERS if (m_pFirstLayer) { m_lEvent = lEvent; return !WSAAsyncSelect(m_SocketData.hSocket, GetHelperWindowHandle(), m_SocketData.nSocketIndex+WM_SOCKETEX_NOTIFY, FD_READ | FD_WRITE | FD_OOB | FD_ACCEPT | FD_CONNECT | FD_CLOSE); } else #endif //NOLAYERS { return AsyncSelect(lEvent); } } BOOL CAsyncSocketEx::AsyncSelect( long lEvent /*= FD_READ | FD_WRITE | FD_OOB | FD_ACCEPT | FD_CONNECT | FD_CLOSE*/ ) { ASSERT(m_pLocalAsyncSocketExThreadData); m_lEvent = lEvent; #ifndef NOLAYERS if (m_pFirstLayer) return TRUE; else #endif //NOLAYERS { if (m_SocketData.hSocket == INVALID_SOCKET && m_SocketData.nFamily == AF_UNSPEC) return true; if ( !WSAAsyncSelect(m_SocketData.hSocket, GetHelperWindowHandle(), m_SocketData.nSocketIndex+WM_SOCKETEX_NOTIFY, lEvent) ) return TRUE; else return FALSE; } return TRUE; } BOOL CAsyncSocketEx::Listen( int nConnectionBacklog /*=5*/ ) { #ifndef NOLAYERS if (m_pFirstLayer) return m_pFirstLayer->Listen(nConnectionBacklog); #endif //NOLAYERS if (!listen(m_SocketData.hSocket, nConnectionBacklog)) { #ifndef NOSOCKETSTATES SetState(listening); #endif //NOSOCKETSTATES return TRUE; } else return FALSE; } BOOL CAsyncSocketEx::Accept( CAsyncSocketEx& rConnectedSocket, SOCKADDR* lpSockAddr /*=NULL*/, int* lpSockAddrLen /*=NULL*/ ) { ASSERT(rConnectedSocket.m_SocketData.hSocket == INVALID_SOCKET); #ifndef NOLAYERS if (m_pFirstLayer) { return m_pFirstLayer->Accept(rConnectedSocket, lpSockAddr, lpSockAddrLen); } else #endif //NOLAYERS { SOCKET hTemp = accept(m_SocketData.hSocket, lpSockAddr, lpSockAddrLen); if (hTemp == INVALID_SOCKET) return FALSE; VERIFY(rConnectedSocket.InitAsyncSocketExInstance()); rConnectedSocket.m_SocketData.hSocket=hTemp; rConnectedSocket.AttachHandle(hTemp); rConnectedSocket.SetFamily(GetFamily()); #ifndef NOSOCKETSTATES rConnectedSocket.SetState(connected); #endif //NOSOCKETSTATES } return TRUE; } BOOL CAsyncSocketEx::IOCtl( long lCommand, DWORD* lpArgument ) { return ioctlsocket(m_SocketData.hSocket, lCommand, lpArgument) != SOCKET_ERROR; } int CAsyncSocketEx::GetLastError() { return WSAGetLastError(); } BOOL CAsyncSocketEx::TriggerEvent(long lEvent) { if (m_SocketData.hSocket==INVALID_SOCKET) return FALSE; ASSERT(m_pLocalAsyncSocketExThreadData); ASSERT(m_pLocalAsyncSocketExThreadData->m_pHelperWindow); ASSERT(m_SocketData.nSocketIndex!=-1); #ifndef NOLAYERS if (m_pFirstLayer) { CAsyncSocketExLayer::t_LayerNotifyMsg *pMsg = new CAsyncSocketExLayer::t_LayerNotifyMsg; pMsg->hSocket = m_SocketData.hSocket; pMsg->lEvent=lEvent%0xFFFF; pMsg->pLayer=0; BOOL res=PostMessage(GetHelperWindowHandle(), WM_USER, (WPARAM)m_SocketData.nSocketIndex, (LPARAM)pMsg); if (!res) delete pMsg; return res; } else #endif //NOLAYERS return PostMessage(GetHelperWindowHandle(), m_SocketData.nSocketIndex+WM_SOCKETEX_NOTIFY, m_SocketData.hSocket, lEvent%0xFFFF); } SOCKET CAsyncSocketEx::GetSocketHandle() { return m_SocketData.hSocket; } HWND CAsyncSocketEx::GetHelperWindowHandle() { if (!m_pLocalAsyncSocketExThreadData) return 0; if (!m_pLocalAsyncSocketExThreadData->m_pHelperWindow) return 0; return m_pLocalAsyncSocketExThreadData->m_pHelperWindow->GetHwnd(); } #ifndef NOLAYERS BOOL CAsyncSocketEx::AddLayer(CAsyncSocketExLayer *pLayer) { ASSERT(pLayer); pLayer->m_nFamily = m_SocketData.nFamily; if (m_pFirstLayer) { ASSERT(m_pLastLayer); m_pLastLayer=m_pLastLayer->AddLayer(pLayer, this); return m_pLastLayer?TRUE:FALSE; } else { ASSERT(!m_pLastLayer); pLayer->Init(0, this); m_pFirstLayer=pLayer; m_pLastLayer=m_pFirstLayer; if (m_SocketData.hSocket != INVALID_SOCKET) if (WSAAsyncSelect(m_SocketData.hSocket, GetHelperWindowHandle(), m_SocketData.nSocketIndex+WM_SOCKETEX_NOTIFY, FD_READ | FD_WRITE | FD_OOB | FD_ACCEPT | FD_CONNECT | FD_CLOSE)) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } void CAsyncSocketEx::RemoveAllLayers() { for (std::list::iterator iter = m_pendingCallbacks.begin(); iter != m_pendingCallbacks.end(); iter++) delete [] iter->str; m_pendingCallbacks.clear(); m_pFirstLayer = 0; m_pLastLayer = 0; if (!m_pLocalAsyncSocketExThreadData) return; if (!m_pLocalAsyncSocketExThreadData->m_pHelperWindow) return; m_pLocalAsyncSocketExThreadData->m_pHelperWindow->RemoveLayers(this); } int CAsyncSocketEx::OnLayerCallback(std::list& callbacks) { for (std::list::iterator iter = callbacks.begin(); iter != callbacks.end(); iter++) { delete [] iter->str; } return 0; } BOOL CAsyncSocketEx::IsLayerAttached() const { return m_pFirstLayer ? TRUE : FALSE; } #endif //NOLAYERS BOOL CAsyncSocketEx::GetSockOpt(int nOptionName, void* lpOptionValue, int* lpOptionLen, int nLevel /*=SOL_SOCKET*/) { return (SOCKET_ERROR != getsockopt(m_SocketData.hSocket, nLevel, nOptionName, (LPSTR)lpOptionValue, lpOptionLen)); } BOOL CAsyncSocketEx::SetSockOpt(int nOptionName, const void* lpOptionValue, int nOptionLen, int nLevel /*=SOL_SOCKET*/) { return (SOCKET_ERROR != setsockopt(m_SocketData.hSocket, nLevel, nOptionName, (LPSTR)lpOptionValue, nOptionLen)); } #ifndef NOSOCKETSTATES int CAsyncSocketEx::GetState() const { return m_nState; } void CAsyncSocketEx::SetState(int nState) { m_nState = nState; } #endif //NOSOCKETSTATES int CAsyncSocketEx::GetFamily() const { return m_SocketData.nFamily; } bool CAsyncSocketEx::SetFamily(int nFamily) { if (m_SocketData.nFamily != AF_UNSPEC) return false; m_SocketData.nFamily = nFamily; return true; } bool CAsyncSocketEx::TryNextProtocol() { DetachHandle(m_SocketData.hSocket); closesocket(m_SocketData.hSocket); m_SocketData.hSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; BOOL ret = FALSE; for (; m_SocketData.nextAddr; m_SocketData.nextAddr = m_SocketData.nextAddr->ai_next) { m_SocketData.hSocket = socket(m_SocketData.nextAddr->ai_family, m_SocketData.nextAddr->ai_socktype, m_SocketData.nextAddr->ai_protocol); if (m_SocketData.hSocket == INVALID_SOCKET) continue; AttachHandle(m_SocketData.hSocket); m_SocketData.nFamily = m_SocketData.nextAddr->ai_family; if (!AsyncSelect(m_lEvent)) { DetachHandle(m_SocketData.hSocket); closesocket(m_SocketData.hSocket); m_SocketData.hSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; continue; } #ifndef NOLAYERS if (m_pFirstLayer) { if (WSAAsyncSelect(m_SocketData.hSocket, GetHelperWindowHandle(), m_SocketData.nSocketIndex+WM_SOCKETEX_NOTIFY, FD_READ | FD_WRITE | FD_OOB | FD_ACCEPT | FD_CONNECT | FD_CLOSE)) { DetachHandle(m_SocketData.hSocket); closesocket(m_SocketData.hSocket); m_SocketData.hSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; continue; } } #endif //NOLAYERS if (!Bind(m_nSocketPort, m_lpszSocketAddress)) { DetachHandle(m_SocketData.hSocket); closesocket(m_SocketData.hSocket); m_SocketData.hSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; continue; } ret = CAsyncSocketEx::Connect(m_SocketData.nextAddr->ai_addr, m_SocketData.nextAddr->ai_addrlen); if (!ret && GetLastError() != WSAEWOULDBLOCK) { DetachHandle(m_SocketData.hSocket); closesocket(m_SocketData.hSocket); m_SocketData.hSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; continue; } ret = true; break; } if (m_SocketData.nextAddr) m_SocketData.nextAddr = m_SocketData.nextAddr->ai_next; if (!m_SocketData.nextAddr) { p_freeaddrinfo(m_SocketData.addrInfo); m_SocketData.nextAddr = 0; m_SocketData.addrInfo = 0; } if (m_SocketData.hSocket == INVALID_SOCKET || !ret) return FALSE; else return TRUE; } #ifndef NOLAYERS void CAsyncSocketEx::AddCallbackNotification(const t_callbackMsg& msg) { m_pendingCallbacks.push_back(msg); if(m_pendingCallbacks.size() == 1 && m_SocketData.nSocketIndex != -1) PostMessage(GetHelperWindowHandle(), WM_USER + 2, (WPARAM)m_SocketData.nSocketIndex, 0); } #endif //NOLAYERS void CAsyncSocketEx::ResendCloseNotify() { for (std::list::iterator iter = m_pLocalAsyncSocketExThreadData->layerCloseNotify.begin(); iter != m_pLocalAsyncSocketExThreadData->layerCloseNotify.end(); iter++) { if (*iter == this) return; } m_pLocalAsyncSocketExThreadData->layerCloseNotify.push_back(this); if (m_pLocalAsyncSocketExThreadData->layerCloseNotify.size() == 1) { SetTimer(m_pLocalAsyncSocketExThreadData->m_pHelperWindow->GetHwnd(), 1, 10, 0); } }