Welcome to the Adobe® Acrobat® Pro DC and Adobe® Acrobat® Standard DC ReadMe, which contains essential information on Adobe Acrobat products. ReadMe items that apply to all products do not specify the product name. For Adobe Acrobat DC product support information see http://www.adobe.com/go/acrobat_support
Acrobat Pro DC and Acrobat Standard DC for Windows® require the following:
· 1.5 Gigahertz processor
· Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 R2 (32 bit and 64 bit) or 2012 R2 (64 bit); Windows 7 (32 bit and 64 bit); Windows 8 (32 bit and 64 bit); Windows 8.1 (32 bit and 64 bit)
· 1 GB of RAM
· 2.5 GB of available hard disk space if installing from a DVD and 4.5 GB of available hard disk space if installing from a download package. In addition, during installation, the installer creates temporary files so the actual hard disk space required at that time is greater than the values listed.
· 1,024 x 768 screen resolution
· Internet Explorer® 8, 9, 10 (Windows 8 minimum), 11; Firefox (ESR)
· DVD-ROM drive, if installing from a DVD
· Video hardware acceleration optional
Use the following instructions to install new software or to upgrade from a previous version. If you are installing an upgrade, you may be required to provide proof of ownership.
1. Restart Windows and turn off any antivirus software.
2. Connect the machine to the Internet.
3. Start the installation:
Adobe recommends you back up your download package, preferably to a DVD before installing the software. When you double-click on the .exe to decompress it:
drive>:\users\<user name>\Desktop\Adobe
<system drive>:\users\<user name>\Desktop\Adobe Acrobat 2015 folder
is created on the desktop.
When ready to install, open the folder and double-click setup.exe.
The installer screen appears in the same language as your machine’s operating system and shows information about Serial Number/Trial installation, PDF ownership and the updater. Be sure to set your machine’s operating system to either English or the language that you purchased.
4. Input your serial number or install in Trial Mode. The serial number for individually licensed purchases is located on the outside of the DVD case, or on the receipt page for electronic software download (ESD) purchases made online, for example, through the Adobe Store. You can also locate the serial number for individually licensed ESD purchases in your online order history at http://www.adobe.com. The serial number for purchases made through the Adobe Licensing Website is available in your record at http://licensing.adobe.com.
5. For a customized install, for example, to change the application’s folder location, click the “Customize” button and select the folder where you want the application installed.
Click “install”. Installation now proceeds.
6. If there are processes running that conflict with the installation, the installer requires them to be closed before you can continue the installation. Close the processes and then click in the installer to continue the installation.
7. The last dialogue is “Setup Completed”; click “Finish” or click “Launch Now” to launch Acrobat.
First Launch and Adobe ID Entry Instructions
1. On application launch, the Sign in Required dialog appears. Click Sign In Now and provide a valid Adobe ID in the Sign In screen.
2. If you don’t have an Adobe ID, follow the prompts to create one.
3. Click “Sign In”.
4. Next, accept the end user license agreement. Acrobat should now be usable.
5. If you installed in Trial mode, a 30 day trial screen with Start Trial button will appear after the EULA is accepted. Click the Start Trial button to start the trial. After launch a Trial screen appears once a day indicating the number of days left in the Trial. After 30 days the Trial will end, and you can only use the software to view PDF files and perform basic tasks like commenting, fill-in forms, and sign.
1. Launch the Control Panel and from it select Programs and Features.
2. From the list of applications that appears, highlight Adobe Acrobat DC and press the Uninstall button.
3. A dialog appears asking for confirmation to remove Acrobat. Choose Yes to uninstall the product.
This product integrates with online services that require an Internet connection and agreement to applicable terms of use and privacy policies (available at www.adobe.com/go/terms). Adobe online services (a) are available only to users age 13 and older; (b) are not available in all countries or languages, (c) may be discontinued without notice; and (d) may be subject to registration requirements, additional fees, or subscription charges.
For updates to system requirements, visit http://www.adobe.com/go/acrobat_system_reqs
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